Some advice please

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by amsjsj, Jan 24, 2004.

  1. amsjsj

    amsjsj Guest

    I have a 96 honda accord lx, I have put a sound system in it. The amp is
    pushing around 900 watts RMS. Which is constantly. Anyways of coarse I know
    my lights and stuff are going to dim. But my rpms drop when the bass hits
    almost to the bottom line. I just installed an capasitor, but only helped
    alittle with everything but not much. SHould i upgrade the battery or beef
    up alternator? Also will this wear down the alternator more or possibly mess
    up the engine somehow? Please help!
    amsjsj, Jan 24, 2004
  2. amsjsj

    feroce Guest

    On Sat, 24 Jan 2004 01:50:51 -0600, amsjsj wrote:
    .. SHould i upgrade the battery or beef
    Both. Get the highest amperage alternator you can find and a really stout
    battery. Consider installing a dual battery setup. This is gonna be
    expensive, but you already knew that, didn't you?

    You might also want to ask your questions in

    feroce, Jan 24, 2004
  3. amsjsj

    Woody Guest

    Woody, Jan 24, 2004
  4. amsjsj

    M.C. Tee Guest

    touchy subject i see. Just because he has a system doesn't mean everyone in
    the neighborhood will hear it, i have one and id doubt anyone in my
    neighborhood even knows about it.
    M.C. Tee, Jan 25, 2004
  5. amsjsj

    amsjsj Guest

    yeah my systems only turned on outside my neighborhood, now who wears head
    phones when they are driving?
    amsjsj, Jan 25, 2004
  6. amsjsj

    amsjsj Guest

    what would eventually happen if i dont?
    amsjsj, Jan 25, 2004
  7. amsjsj

    bearman Guest

    What about the people in the neighborhood where you're driving, you
    inconsiderate asshole?

    bearman, Jan 25, 2004
  8. amsjsj

    Randolph Guest

    What kind of trouble you are in here depends very much on how you are
    using the system. If you have an optimal class B amplifier and you are
    getting 900 W delivered to your speakers, you are blowing another 256 W
    as heat in the amplifier output stages. This means a total power of 1146
    W or 79 Amps at 14.5V. (In reality amplifiers are not optimal, so you
    need more power).

    When you hit the bass notes the alternator will essentially be
    full-fielded in an attempt to deliver the required power. This power
    comes from the engine, and if you are at idle you will certainly see the
    RPM drop. Ironically this will only get worse with a bigger alternator.
    Full fielded at idle the stock alternator will produce perhaps 30A for a
    power of 435 W. That means that the maximum load it can put on the
    engine is about 3/4 horse power (assuming 80% efficiency). The
    additional power (to make up the total 1146 W required) will come from
    the battery. If you put in an alternator rated at twice the amperage,
    you could get perhaps 60 A at idle, or 870 W. You will need less power
    from the battery, but the alternator will try to pull 1.5 HP from the
    engine. This will drop the RPM even more.

    The RPM drop really is something you'll have to live with if you try to
    draw that much power. You should adjust your idle speed to the high end
    of the specified range, but don't go much above that. Going too high on
    idle speed will cause the control loop in the ECU to go unstable (and
    you'll get surging idle). Giant capacitors will help (I am sure you know
    that they should be mounted right next to the amplifiers) but not
    eliminate the problem.

    Your real concern should be to keep your battery charged. If you are
    cruising along with the stereo blasting at full power, you will de
    discharging the battery while driving. The only cure for this is a
    bigger alternator (which as I mentioned would not help the RPM drop). A
    bigger battery would not do much.

    If you run the system at full power only rarely (I can't imagine it
    being bearable to sit in the car with a 900 W stereo on full blast) you
    may not need to make any changes at all.

    You will also have to accept that the alternator will be worn out more
    quickly than it would without a monster sound system. Same goes for
    Randolph, Jan 25, 2004
  9. amsjsj

    feroce Guest

    You will kill your battery and alternator for sure. Best thing for you to
    do would be to take it to a shop that specializes in high-end car audio
    and get some professional advice.

    feroce, Jan 25, 2004
  10. amsjsj

    amsjsj Guest

    I dont drive through neighborhoods all day dick head. I love pissin idiots
    like you off!
    amsjsj, Jan 26, 2004
  11. amsjsj

    amsjsj Guest

    thanks for the advice man thats what i needed to know, Well there are
    optimum or something like that batterys that are designed for systems but
    never tried it yet it doesnt really make sense but i dont know how they
    amsjsj, Jan 26, 2004
  12. amsjsj

    bearman Guest

    Hee! Hee! Hee! It's not working.

    bearman, Jan 26, 2004
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