sound when new car starts to run.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by rulsan, Jul 14, 2003.

  1. rulsan

    rulsan Guest

    I bought a new honda accord 2003 a week ago. Everytime the car is
    started and shifts its transmission for the very first time I feel
    "zhing" like sound.It's not the usual bump like feeling that happens
    during the transmission shift.

    And I never feel that sound after the first time even when I stop and
    start from the traffic light.

    Is it something related to the brake-in period? I already have 700
    miles logged in the car. did anyone have this experience?

    rulsan, Jul 14, 2003
  2. rulsan

    TL Guest

    I have a '03 EX-L (4 cyl) and I don't believe I've ever heard the
    sound you are describing. I have about 1,500 miles on it, most of
    which are city miles so lots of start-ups.

    Do you have a 4 or a 6?
    TL, Jul 14, 2003
  3. rulsan

    dold Guest

    My Honda CVT makes some odd noises, especially in reverse, but that
    wouldn't be the same as your Accord. Perhaps it has electrically engaged
    clutches. My Chrysler automatic had electric clutches, and you could hear
    them engage, almost like a very heavy zipper. This was more noticeable
    when the transmission was cold.
    dold, Jul 14, 2003
  4. rulsan

    rulsan Guest

    It's a LX-V6.

    rulsan, Jul 15, 2003
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