Spark Plugs, performance, and engine life question

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by CaptainKrunch, Jan 31, 2004.

  1. Anytime your engine is able to generate more horsepower, for whatever
    reason, you are putting more stress on other components such as connecting
    rods, bearings, journals, etc. Obviously this will reduce engine longevity.

    With a sparkplug change though it is a miniscule amount and like the other
    poster said, the better your engine is tuned and the more efficient it is
    operating, the longer it will likely last.

    The change in performance you experience is most likely due to the
    replacement of plugs as opposed to the type of plug you changed to.

    CaptainKrunch, Jan 31, 2004
  2. CaptainKrunch

    Dave Guest

    I have a '95 Accord LX, and recently installed the Bosch Pro2 plugs.
    The guys at the auto store convinced me they would be worth the extra money
    $4/each and I think they are beacause my car's acceleration is much quicker
    and smoother now...anyway, my question is this:
    Does improved performance have a point of diminishing returns when
    considering the overall life expectancy of the engine ? In other words, if
    the performance is too good, does the engine wear out faster ?
    Dave, Feb 1, 2004
  3. CaptainKrunch

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    If you noticed anything, it was probably just because your old plugs were
    worn out. You'd likely have been just as happy with the NGK plugs for $2.

    As far as wearing out the engine sooner, you don't have anything to worry
    about spark plugs. If anything, the engine will last longer when properly
    tuned up and running smoother.
    Jafir Elkurd, Feb 1, 2004
  4. CaptainKrunch

    agent smith Guest

    if you want a smidge more boost, change your plug wires as well. i changed
    my wires when i changed my plugs and saw a small boost, but i had done other
    mods to my car aside from the plugs and plug wires...

    -agent smith
    agent smith, Feb 1, 2004
  5. Changing from bad wires to good will certainly give you a boost.

    Honda wires are top quality.
    Stephen Bigelow, Feb 1, 2004
  6. CaptainKrunch

    T. Nelson Guest

    I agree with the other posters but would like to add something that I read
    in relation to spark plug wires. It's from a book entitled, "Honda and
    Acura Performance Handbook". I purchased it at Barnes and Nobel
    On page 81--it states:
    "...a set of high quality 8 mm wires can help boost spark better than
    conventional wires."
    T. Nelson, Feb 2, 2004
  7. CaptainKrunch

    w_tom Guest

    Wires, properly selected, have no serious effect on
    performance. Wires are and must be high resistance
    conductors. Better conductive wires are actually bad for the
    overall car. Only significant difference between cheap wires
    and quality wires: quality wires use materials that do not
    degrade over time. If better wires caused a significant
    performance improvement, then automakers would simply increase
    power output from ignition system. Better performance for
    almost no cost.

    Standard wires and ignition system provided by Honda are
    about as good as it is going to get. Even GM products finally
    conceded to using those better quality wires.

    The old, low power, point and condenser ignition system was
    sufficient. Only sufficient. Electronic ignition systems so
    increased that power that 'better wires' will bring 'nothing
    to the table'. Better wires last longer. That increased life
    expectancy is the difference in ignition wires.
    w_tom, Feb 3, 2004
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