SpeedoMeter behaves weirdly

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Ram, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. Ram

    Ram Guest

    Hi All,

    I have this problem since four days.
    My 96 Honda Civic Speedo Meter is behaving weirdly.
    When I start the car in the Morning it is not working. After couple
    minutes/miles, it starts working again. I couldn't say when it is
    working and not working. And it turns to zero again. And after few
    minutes it starts working again.

    I would be glad if someone can help me out with their experience.

    Ram, Oct 24, 2005
  2. Ram

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Maybe a bad VSS(vehicle speed sensor)?? Or a wiring/connector problem.

    Maybe a bad VSS connector problem.
    IIRC,the VSS is somewhere on the transmission.
    Jim Yanik, Oct 25, 2005
  3. Ram

    J. Guest

    I agree with the above. My parents just went through the same issue with
    their early 90's Acccord. Although the dealer service dept was told that it
    was an intermittent problem (many times a day), they some how diagnosed it
    as a bad odometer/instrument cluster. They claimed they never saw a bad VSS
    before. But since the cruise control would also cut out whenever the speedo
    dropped out, I assumed it was the VSS. Also, the auto tranny D4 light
    started to come on/blink. Apparently the transmission couldn't understand
    why it was in higher gears, but going 0 mph!

    Sure enough, replacing the VSS a few weeks later cured all the problems.
    J., Oct 25, 2005
  4. Ram

    jerry Guest

    Well, you all have solved my problem too -- my symptoms are identical,
    and I'm grateful!

    If you don't mind, what did the VSS replacement set your parents back?

    jerry, Oct 26, 2005
  5. Ram

    Ram Guest

    Thanks for the messages. I will update with whatever my mechanic says.

    - R
    Ram, Oct 27, 2005
  6. Ram

    Jacko Guest

    I told that to a traffic cop. He still booked me.
    Jacko, Nov 2, 2005
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