speedometer issue

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ashleyjones, Jun 30, 2006.

  1. ashleyjones

    ashleyjones Guest

    okay.. the other day my D4 light started blinking not long after my check engine light came on, also my speedometer has been working intermitently. when my check engine light came on my speedometer went crazy saying i was going 60 when i was stopped at a stop sign..my trouble code is 22 which is oi pressure switch i have a 95 accord with vtec. could that be causing the speedometer issues as well. also only twice has this happened and both after all of the lights came on, my car started jerking kinda hiccuping while accelerating, as though it was having trouble shifting maybe...could that be a symptom related to the oil pressure switch as well. Please give any advic
    ashleyjones, Jun 30, 2006
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