Squeaky Start up

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Pd7704, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. Pd7704

    Pd7704 Guest

    My 1990 accord squeals for 2 or 3 seconds when the motor is cold when
    starting it looks like the belts are fairly new I have read about tension
    being to great on alternators causing pre-mature failure listed on some
    accord review page, what does someone suggest to eliminat this problem ?
    Should I try to adjust the tension? How? How much are the belts, there
    are two.
    Pd7704, Apr 28, 2006
  2. Well, first off, it sounds like you have a squeaky belt(or belts) which means
    that one or both of them are too loose...NOT too tight. If you don't know how
    to adjust the tension then you should pick up the Haynes manual or the Helm's
    Factory Service manual.

    I usually try to get the belt just tight enough so it isn't squealing. That
    way you know it isn't too tight and it isn't wearing out the bearings.
    Headknocker via CarKB.com, Apr 28, 2006
  3. Pd7704

    Jason Guest

    Great post. I agree with you. The OR may be able to buy a special spray
    solution at a auto supply store such as NAPA. I know they used to sell it
    at auto supply stores. I once has Chevy Nova and had to use it on the
    belts to keep them from spuealing. I adjusted the belts so they were
    really tight but they still made a squeaking noise. I no longer have that
    problem since I have a special tool to make it easier to adjust the belts.
    The solution might be called, "belt dressing".
    Jason, Apr 28, 2006
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