Squeal at start up ?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Pd7704, Feb 27, 2006.

  1. Pd7704

    Pd7704 Guest

    My 90 accord Lets out a nice little squeal every time I start it up, only
    squeals for 2 seconds and doesent do it any other times, belt looks pretty
    new. just bought the car recently
    Pd7704, Feb 27, 2006
  2. Pd7704

    stangbuster Guest

    Its definetly your motor belt. Any mechanic can do it quick if you dont
    think you can. BTW its super simple, there should be a belt diagram on
    the radiator support. All you do is loosen the tensioner and take the
    old one off. THen follow diagram to re-install the new one. Tighten
    tensioner when done.
    stangbuster, Feb 27, 2006
  3. Pd7704

    Elle Guest

    Have you had a little work done recently that involved removing the belts?

    Your symptom (little squeal at startup, then quickly goes away) is
    consistent with a loose power steering belt or alternator belt, but could be
    other things. I would check the belts first. Quite possibly all that is
    necessary is to tighten one of them.

    www.autozone.com has a free online manual for your car that gives directions
    on guesstimating belt tension.
    Elle, Feb 27, 2006
  4. Do you have air conditioning. If so I would suspect the compressor
    clutch. LOOSEN not tighten the belt and see if it helps.
    Frank Boettcher, Mar 1, 2006
  5. Pd7704

    jakedrob Guest

    quick is fix is spray a tiny amount of wd-40 type lube on belt.....it
    is not recommended but it works. When I say it is not recommending, I
    used to work in an auto shop....we wouldnt do that to customers cars
    because it can lead to belt slipage however, when any of the mechinacs
    had a squaeel they would throug oil on it
    jakedrob, Mar 2, 2006
  6. Pd7704

    jim beam Guest

    where do you work guy? i want to make sure my vehicles never get within
    100 miles of you. or your fellow "mechinacs".
    jim beam, Mar 2, 2006
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