Squeal from Wheel - 2000 Honda Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by bob, Mar 31, 2005.

  1. bob

    bob Guest

    I am getting a high pitched squealing from my driver, front wheel / tire.
    It sounds metalic. It comes & goes...at all speeds. It disappears when I
    apply the breaks. Tire & wheel look OK. Disk is smooth, does not appear to
    have problem. Just had all 4 tires replaced last month. I don't recall if
    it was making noise soon after tire replacement or not.

    Any ideas?
    bob, Mar 31, 2005
  2. bob

    disallow Guest

    could be the squealer bar on the brake pad,
    designed to rest on the rotor when the brake pad
    wears down to a certain point. you have about a
    week to get new brake pads installed if this is
    the case, the sooner the better.

    in another case, once I had a small pebble lodge
    itself between the back plate and the backside
    of the rotor, caused squealing only when I went
    certain speeds, as well as in reverse. Of
    course, I didn't know it was a pebble until I
    pulled the whole bloody thing apart... lol

    disallow, Mar 31, 2005
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