Squeek only above 45mph

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by reid, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. reid

    reid Guest

    I have a squeek that is driving me crazy. It sounds just like the
    belts squeeking, or brake pad sensor (when pads are low), but it only
    happens at speed. Not if I run up rpms in garage. Brake pads are
    new. Goes away below 45mph. Above 45mph, the squeek does not change
    if I press on brakes. It’s been there for a month now, very
    Any ideas where this could be coming from??
    Any ideas how to find this? Thanks!
    reid, Feb 2, 2007
  2. reid

    Dan Beaton Guest

    I had a somewhat similar squeek that turned out to be a loose heat
    shield. The sound appeared to be coming from a much different place
    than the heat shield was.

    (This account is not used for email.)
    Dan Beaton, Feb 2, 2007
  3. reid

    Jim Yanik Guest

    WHAT KIND OF CAR???? [make,model,year,3-door,4-door]

    where is the noise coming from,front back,left side,R.side....

    It does make a difference.

    Jim Yanik, Feb 3, 2007
  4. reid

    Dell Guest

    I had the same problem (96 Accord Coupe 5spd EX 4 cyl) the front clamp on
    the exhaust heat shield corroded off. At highspeed (75) the airstream
    dragged the front of the shield down far enough to touch the roadway,
    Replace the clamp or remove the shield.
    Dell, Feb 3, 2007
  5. reid

    reid Guest

    Honda Pilot 2003, 4 door with hatch, AWD, and I can not tell where the
    noise is coming from. I get my teenagers in the car, and everyone
    thinks it’s coming from a different place - but I think it’s from the
    front. I got under the car today and looked for anything loose that
    could touch moving parts - even looked for signs of rubbing since most
    of the underside is dirty. Nothing. I’m thinking of running hoses
    under the car to different places so I can listen to different areas
    when I’m driving - but that may be crazy too

    reid, Feb 5, 2007
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