SRS light on after seat repair

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by MWhite4981, Oct 4, 2003.

  1. MWhite4981

    MWhite4981 Guest

    Had a broken seat back frame replaced. The SRS light is on. The body shop
    said any time the side air bag is disconnected and reconnected, it must be
    reset by a Honda dealer. Is there any way to reset the light without going to
    the dealer?
    MWhite4981, Oct 4, 2003
  2. MWhite4981

    Pete Guest

    Other than the dealer, I think some auto parts stores like AutoZone have the
    tools to read and erase error codes; however, I'm not sure if I'd trust them
    with an expensive car (don't know if yours is).


    Pete, Oct 4, 2003
  3. MWhite4981

    Boxhead Guest

    saw this in

    Regards, Bx
    Boxhead, Oct 4, 2003
  4. It may vary with the model but try this
    which will likely require registration for the site.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Oct 5, 2003
  5. MWhite4981

    paddington Guest


    Forgive me if this advice is late or doesn't match your situation. But, if
    the car was in a body shop and insurance was paying for the repair, the body
    shop should take the car to the dealer and bill the responsible insurance
    company. Most states insurance regulations require the insurance company to
    return the vehicle to pre-addident condition, which would include clearing
    the codes from the SRS system.

    paddington, Oct 9, 2003
  6. MWhite4981

    SASCHOCH Guest

    And Paul should know.
    St. Matthews Imports is one of the premier repair facilities in Louisville KY!
    -Steve ('93 LX-A, '93 SE)
    SASCHOCH, Oct 9, 2003
  7. MWhite4981

    MWhite4981 Guest

    Thanks, Paul. I think that's what I'll do
    Regards, Ed
    MWhite4981, Oct 14, 2003
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