SRS Light..

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Andrew, Jun 26, 2005.

  1. Andrew

    Andrew Guest

    Hi Everyone,

    Well, to make a long story short I think I accidently fucked up my SRS
    system. A friend and I were trying to diagnose a check engine light
    which had come on earlier in the day while I was driving my 1998 Honda
    Civic LX & I think we crossed the wrong connector when trying to get
    the ECU engine code. The connector which was crossed was hidden
    behind the dash/center consol on the passenger size and had 2 red
    wires going into it on one side and two green ones going out the other
    side. The yellow connector was being held in place by a light blue
    anchor.. Suffice to say crossing this connector did not provide us
    with the fault code so we pulled the radio fuse and plugged it back
    in. That reset the check engine light but now the SRS is on red and
    staying on.. Did we blow the SRS computer or just one of the sensors
    and if so which one ? Any suggestions as to fix this new problem I
    created for myself ? Is there a way to reset the computer ?


    Ottawa, Ontario

    Andrew, Jun 26, 2005
  2. Andrew

    Woody Guest

    Your car is OBDII and you can't read out the codes. If you are going to try
    and fix it you need to start reading some books. You should have had the
    code read out and it would give you a starting point to troubleshoot. You
    need to get a service manual that describes how to get the SRS code to
    determine where to start. Today's cars are computer driven. When you start
    shorting wires you better know what you are shorting. Take it to the dealer
    and have it analyzed.....
    Woody, Jun 27, 2005
  3. Andrew

    Chris Guest

    Disconnect the car batery for a couple of minutes and connect it back,
    Chris, Jun 28, 2005
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