starting problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Shawn, Dec 24, 2004.

  1. Shawn

    Shawn Guest

    I have a 99 honda accord EX Manual. For some reason my car is having a hard
    time starting up, I checked the battery its good. But it only had 40,000
    miles on it. I just bought it about a week ago. This problem just started.
    And the car cranked over it would cut off. But after about 3 cranks its
    starts right up and runs fine. I dont think the guy did his tuneups, but its
    only at 40k, Should i run some slick50 through, or could it be the starter?
    Shawn, Dec 24, 2004
  2. Shawn

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Perhaps the main relay,that runs the electric fuelpump.
    You can resolder the relay circuit board,it may have cracked solder joints.
    Jim Yanik, Dec 24, 2004
  3. Shawn

    Dave L Guest

    Wouldn't waste the $$ on Slick50. But if it's never had a tune-up I would
    at least change the spark plugs. Cheap and easy to do yourself.

    Dave L, Dec 25, 2004
  4. Shawn

    Shawn Guest

    heard that the ex's come with platium ngk plugs and last up to 100k, true?
    where is the main relay located? I dont know if i said this but it kept
    trying to click over, so would that mean the starter is good? but like i
    said when it did click over it ran for about 3 sec then shut off?
    Shawn, Dec 25, 2004
  5. That sounds like a main relay, all right. Start, then quit, is one of the
    failure modes. The relay is under the driver's side dash. I've only worked
    on the one in my daughter's '93 LX, but in that one it was right above (and
    hidden by) the cruise control module - label identifying that big part.

    This will explain more

    Michael Pardee, Dec 25, 2004
  6. Shawn

    Jason Guest

    If you just purchased the vehicle and don't know for sure whether or not
    the prior owner has done a tune-up--I would advise you to get a complete
    tune-up. Let the mechanic know about your problem and tell him to replace
    or repair the main relay. If you don't know any local mechanics, take it
    to the local Honda dealership.
    Jason, Dec 27, 2004
  7. Shawn

    Dave L Guest

    If it comes with the NGK platinum plugs and does not require a tune-up until
    100k, then the fact this 40k vehicle never had a tune-up should be
    irrelevant. Check the owner's manual to find out if it came with these
    Dave L, Dec 27, 2004
  8. Shawn

    Jim Yanik Guest

    (Jason) wrote in
    Yes,pay for a tuneup you may not need,and pay $50 (plus labor) for a relay
    that you could resolder yourself.
    Jim Yanik, Dec 27, 2004
  9. Shawn

    E. Meyer Guest

    Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the main relay problem only
    relate to early '90s Hondas? I've never heard of it on one this new.

    If it only has 40k, its certainly doesn't need a tune-up. It isn't even
    time to change the anti-freeze for the first time yet. If it actually
    starts and runs for a few seconds, there is nothing wrong with the starter
    and putting gunk in the oil isn't going to make anything run.

    There was a recall on ignition switches for many Hondas of this vintage.
    Enroll in the Honda website owner's link and see if this is one of them.
    The symptoms can be similar to what you are experiencing.
    E. Meyer, Dec 27, 2004
  10. Shawn

    R. P. Guest

    I have a '94 Accord LX with almost 200 K miles in it and indeed, at
    about 140K I did have an ignition switch problem that manifested itself
    similarly. A replacement of the switch fixed the problem but they never
    told me that it was a recall issue, so I had to pay for the entire thing
    myself. Still, 40 K seems to me too early to see the same problem
    showing up though.

    R. P., Dec 27, 2004
  11. Shawn

    R. P. Guest

    Whoa, this is a great Web site! Do you have any more like that?

    R. P., Dec 27, 2004
  12. Shawn

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Honda/Acura uses the same relay throughout many models.
    A '99 model can be 5 or 6 years old depending on when you took delivery of

    And it's still cheaper to re-solder the relay and be certain it's not the
    problem before replacing an ignition switch.(and a lot easier,too)
    A real "DIY" type of repair.
    Jim Yanik, Dec 28, 2004
  13. Shawn

    K`Tetch Guest

    Never touch slick 50

    Nasty shit that, the Teflon in it just clogs up your oil filter.
    Doesn't do shit for the engine.
    K`Tetch, Dec 28, 2004
  14. Shawn

    R. P. Guest

    Not everybody is comfortable with such resoldering. Bad soldering can
    do more harm than good, too.

    R. P., Dec 28, 2004
  15. Shawn

    Shawn Guest

    no the fuel treatment slick 50. But the car has not had a problem since the
    last time i posted here. Strange. But I might check that main relay.
    Shawn, Dec 28, 2004
  16. Shawn

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Those who aren't comfortable soldering probably have no business trying to
    work on their own cars. (and such people would not own soldering

    Soldering is not rocket science.
    Jim Yanik, Dec 28, 2004
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