Starting problems after injector cleansing?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by MArk, Sep 8, 2003.

  1. MArk

    MArk Guest

    I concluded that my car isn't starting ok because
    of idle speed RPM setting but after talking to my
    friend (he has Alfa Romeo 156) after he has been
    to the same service and has had injectors cleaned
    also he has difficulty starting but more severe than

    When I went to mechanic after service he tried
    injectors on his cleansing machine under pressure
    and they didn't seem to leak.

    When starting it starts with strugling (in hot weather
    it has to be cranked up to 4 times) and friends Alfa
    has to be cranked about 10 times regardles of the

    What do you think are we having problems with

    How could I test it?
    MArk, Sep 8, 2003
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