starting problems

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by electricked, Feb 24, 2004.

  1. electricked

    electricked Guest

    Hi all,

    This morning I tried starting my 98 accord and it woudln't start on the
    first go. A few more tries and it would start. Now, when I try to start it
    the engine spins for a second then stops, then half a second later the car
    automatically starts and I hear the noise that comes out when you try to
    start the car while it's already running.

    Any ideas what might be causing this? I'm thinking it's the starter but it
    could be something else (fuel related maybe?) On saturday night I put a
    "fuel injector cleaner" on a full tank of gas, drove it the whole night, and
    it's been sitting like this until this morning (monday). Wondering if this
    has anything to do with it.

    ---- HALF A DAY LATER ----

    I just removed the starter and I'm about to test if the pinion gear pops out
    and spins right. The teeth on the starter gear are a "little" worn out. The
    teeth on the fly wheel look pretty bad though. I don't know if the starter
    caused the bad teeth or if the fly wheel caused the malfunction. I guess
    I'll find out once I test the starter.

    Can someone tell me how hard it is to replace the flywheel on a 98 accord?
    What's the basic procedure? What do I have to remove? How much would it cost
    for the part and replacement at a decent shop?

    Any feedback is welcome and greatly appreciated.


    electricked, Feb 24, 2004
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