Steering/Braking problem and bad smell!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Brian, Oct 18, 2006.

  1. Brian

    Brian Guest

    This morning I noticed an unpleasant smell shortly after I made a turn
    on my commute to work. It smelled sort of like gas, only a bit more
    "toxic". I thought maybe it was the guy in front of me or just
    something in the air (I do live in New Jersey, after all!). But shortly
    after that, I noticed that my steering seemed somewhat "off". Almost as
    if I didn't have control over my car. Not quite that bad, but something
    seemed not right. Shortly after that, I braked at an intersection and
    the car sort of "rumbled" to a stop. Not quite shaking, but vibrating a
    bit with a low grumbling type sound. Any idea of what is wrong?
    Brian, Oct 18, 2006
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