steering problems bad control

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by theshack2, Jan 15, 2007.

  1. theshack2

    theshack2 Guest

    I have a 1990 honda accord It started gradually but continues to get
    worse. First of all my steering wheel does not line up with the tires
    if the tires are straight the steering wheel seems to be way off. Also
    when I make sharp turns it seems like the whole car leans way over to
    one side. There is also an occasional popping or grabbing in the
    steering wheel. It feels like something is loose under the car. The
    steering wheel does not lock like it used to. Also I can feel every
    little bump in the road I don’t think it is the struts but who knows.
    when coming out of a turn the steering wheel doesn’t return very
    quickly it kind of hesitates and is a little jerky. Please give me
    some kind of input it would be really helpful.Thanks
    theshack2, Jan 15, 2007
  2. This is very worrisome. The greatest concern is that a ball joint is
    failing, and to have it let go will put you in this situation - if you're lucky. It
    can lead to complete loss of steering control when you need control the

    If you aren't up to the the inspection, have it hauled on a flatbed to where
    it can be inspected. Choose a place you would be comfortable with having the
    repair done, because if it is a ball joint any driving is just too risky
    (judging by the symptoms you describe).

    In any event, the change in steering wheel position combined with the odd
    behavior is your last warning. Fix it or pay dearly. It really could cost
    your life and others.

    Michael Pardee, Jan 16, 2007
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