
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John, Nov 20, 2004.

  1. John

    John Guest

    Does anyone have info on how to remove the standard honda stereo as fitted
    to civic models from 2001 onwards. I just spent all day today trying to
    remove my one but have given up now...sigh.
    John, Nov 20, 2004
  2. John

    Net-Doctor Guest

    Try this link:
    Net-Doctor, Nov 20, 2004
  3. John

    Chip Stein Guest

    the panel below the stereo with the accessory outlet pops out, it's
    got a few clips. then there are 2 8mm bolts that go straight up behind
    that. then reach in and pop the entire center piece out.
    install dr. is behind the times big time!!!
    Chip Stein, Nov 22, 2004
  4. John

    dold Guest

    Do you mean I can pop that panel out without removing the console first?

    I bought a PIE adapter to hook up my MP3 player, and I've really been
    putting it off for a couple of weeks now. According to the shop manual, I
    have to take those two bolts out, but first take off the lower panel, but
    first take off the front part of the console, but first take off the sides
    of the console, but first take off the rear portion of the console, but
    first remove the tiny storage tray at the left rear of the console.

    You work backwards through the steps, which makes it a little difficult to
    unravel the needed steps.

    If the "accessory outlet" area pops out without taking the console out,
    that would be downright handy. I tried giving it a tug, but I wasn't
    enthusiastic enough to get it loose.

    I also had to find my radio code before I got started, and I've got that
    now, so I'm almost ready to get started ;-)
    dold, Nov 22, 2004
  5. John

    Chip Stein Guest

    Do you mean I can pop that panel out without removing the console first?

    yes. on a 2001 civic you can get that panel out without removing
    the console.. i just did one today. sometimes there is a blank plug
    next to the socket, pull that out and put your finger in there and
    pull. it may be real tight on those 6 clips so be carefull!! don't
    peel the hide off your finger.
    Chip Stein, Nov 23, 2004
  6. John

    dold Guest

    I had another look at my 2003. It appears that the piece we are trying to
    pull out extends well below the console. I tried a thumb in the socket,
    and hands to both sides... grunt... no give. I have two blank plates, but
    I can't see how to pop them out non-destructively. There's almost no
    access to the backside of any of this.

    I don't even want to take the radio out, really. I just need access to the
    14 pin plug on the back of the head unit to plug my adapter in.

    Taking the glove box out is no help. Too much reinforcing framework to get
    from there to the radio.

    I did pop the rearmost section of the console out though. Several screws
    come next. If I spend 10 minutes a day doing this, I might have my
    birthday present installed by Christmas.
    dold, Nov 23, 2004
  7. John

    dold Guest

    The blank panels are easy to get out. A fingernail might pop them free,
    certainly a knife blade of thin screwdriver could pop out the panel with no
    cosmetic harm.

    I didn't discover that until I had pulled the console back. That's not so
    hard, once you decide to do it. I had some trouble getting all of the
    clips to pop out in the plastic around the parking brake lever. Not much
    to hang on to. Once that's out, there are two screws exposed there, two
    screws at the back of the console, accessible behind the seats, and two
    pop-rivet things at the front edge of the console. I could reach around
    and press the center pin out of those from the inside.

    With the console out, I pulled that lower panel off. The portion that
    sticks down below the console might or might not keep you from pulling it
    out without moving the console. I might have a look later.

    Now I can see the two srews going up from the subpanel area.

    dold, Nov 23, 2004
  8. John

    Eggtrouser Guest

    Wehey ! Thanks to all you guys I now have my stereo fitted in my civic ! I
    would never have worked it out myself without your advice. Have a beer on me
    and I'll settle the bill next time I see you !!!!
    Eggtrouser, Nov 28, 2004
  9. John

    dold Guest

    The blank panels next to the 12v accessory plug are easy to push out from
    behind, But I have no rear access to them when all of the panels are in
    place. I tried a little prying, but couldn't get them to pop out without
    damaging the surrounding plastic. And even if I could get them out, it
    looks like the skirt from the bottom of that panel extends too far down
    below the lip of the console. It would be hard to pull the panel straight
    out far enough to clear the clips.

    So, I pulled the console out. I had some trouble getting all of the clips
    to pop out in the plastic around the parking brake lever. Not much to hang
    on to. Once that's out, there are two screws exposed there, two screws at
    the back of the console, accessible behind the seats, and two pop-rivet
    things at the front edge of the console. I could reach around and press
    the center pin out of those from the inside.

    With the console out, I pulled the lower accessory panel off and unplugged
    the 12v socket. Then I could see the two screws going up from the sub-panel
    area that hold the radio face on.

    I don't want to take the radio out. I just need access to the 14 pin plug
    on the back of the head unit to plug my adapter in. By pushing some wire
    bundles out of the way, I could reach up with my left hand and plug the
    adapter in to the 14 pin socket. If I had tried to do this with the
    console still in place, I might have needed another joint in the middle of
    my forearm. Different sized people might be able to get in there.

    So, now my PIE HON98-AUX Auxiliary Input Converter is in place.
    <> I used a $1.50 RCA to
    mini-phono adapter rather than the $19.95 PIE adapter. This was five
    feet long, which I laid in place under the console, exiting on the
    passenger side midway back. My Sony MZN510CK is plugged in via the
    headphone jack. I set the volume on the Sony to about "20". Any higher
    causes some distortion.

    I had to connect the "extra" ground wire on the PIE adapter. Without it,
    the music would clip completely, shutting down every few seconds, at any
    volume level over "10", which didn't yield enough volume from the radio.

    Maybe the $19.95 PIE adapter is something more than my $1.50 cable.
    There might be some impedance matching or something, although the site
    doesn't say so.
    dold, Nov 28, 2004
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