Sticky vinyl + unrelenting haze

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by dbaron, Jun 3, 2004.

  1. dbaron

    dbaron Guest

    The armrest on all the doors is somewhat sticky and gets worse when the
    interior warms up. I've never treated it with anything other than Armor All,
    and only once. Should I be concerned?

    The other problem is with my windshield. I know what causes the haze, but I
    can't seem to find anything that can remove it. I've tried vinegar solution,
    alcohol solution, 3 different kinds of windshield cleaners, and nothing
    seems to make it go away. What's the best way to get rid of the haze?

    dbaron, Jun 3, 2004
  2. dbaron

    Dan Beaton Guest

    How old is the car? Is there a possibility that you have a leak in
    the heater core? A tiny amount of coolant will do this.

    I had a 67 Corolla that did it too, caused by off-gassing from the
    vinyls used back then, but that's the last time I saw the interior
    materials do it.


    (This account is not used for email.)
    Dan Beaton, Jun 4, 2004
  3. dbaron

    dbaron Guest

    Its a 2003 Civic so I don't think age plays a role in this issue.

    dbaron, Jun 4, 2004
  4. dbaron

    Frank Guest

    I had this happening with my Integra 1991 and it got worst as it
    got older. I noticed that the haze would not appear if I parked
    it inside during the day (out of the sun). The sun seemed to warm
    the inside of the car and perhaps the chemical in the plastic (?)
    or something evaporated. I also noticed not leaving the vents to
    blow directly on the windshield helped delay the haze.

    So to determine if it is a leak or something else, try parking it
    inside or keep it out of the sun for a while. Or put some card
    board on the windshield...

    As for cleaning, I was successful with BonAmi. It works wonders.


    Frank, Jun 4, 2004
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