Stinkin frozen door locks...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Iowna Uass, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Iowna Uass

    Iowna Uass Guest

    05 CRV, power locks work fine until it hits -25 C then the front passenger
    power lock will not operate. The door will unlock manually, but the solenoid
    and/or linkage is frozen.
    Once the temperature warms up above -20, the situation corrects itself.
    I'm thinking either moisture got in, lack of lubrication, or I have a bum

    I'm thinking I need to lube the linkage, but if I can't figure out a way to
    do the deed effectively without removing the door panel, I'll have to wait
    until the thaw in April.
    I don't have access to a warm garage to do the work.

    Any suggestions for lock linkage lubing without panel removal?
    Or should I just live with it until spring when I can remove the panel
    without breaking it?

    I won't know about the state of the soleniod until I can access it and do
    some tests. It may just need a little lube as well..
    Iowna Uass, Feb 2, 2011
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