stopless starter

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Gary Li, Feb 13, 2004.

  1. Gary Li

    Gary Li Guest

    My 95 Accord is hard to be started recently.
    In order to identify the reason, I pull out of distributor cap, and started
    the engine.
    Most of times the rotor does not turn, so I think it might be a problem in

    However, in one of the startings, the rotor started to rotate, but never
    stop even after I turned off ignition key.
    I have to pull out battery cable to stop the rotor.
    However, when I tried to put on battery cable, the rotor started to rotate

    I think the solenoid of starter may be in the wrong position, it is supposed
    to be controlled
    by starter cut relay which already been cut off when the ignition key was
    turned off.

    Can anyone have suggestion ?


    Gary Li, Feb 13, 2004
  2. Gary Li

    HyDr0 Guest

    you left out a few things.. does the starter still make noise when u pull
    the key out? if it does then the starter solenoid might be bad. but judging
    from what you did say it might be a bad relay or possibly the distributer
    HyDr0, Feb 13, 2004
  3. Gary Li

    Gary Li Guest

    Thanks for the advice.

    Yes, the starter was still cranking after I took out ignition key.
    Is the solution to change starter ? or only solenoid ? or both ?

    Why distributior ?

    Gary Li, Feb 14, 2004
  4. Gary Li

    HyDr0 Guest

    i mentioned the distributer only because you said the rotor was not turning.
    but it turns out the starter solenoid might be bad. pull the starter out and
    bring it to have the solenoid tested. if infact it is bad you already have
    it out so just have the solenoid replaced. my starter solenoid went a few
    months ago. the starter woiuld make noise after the igniton key was removed
    because it was spinning inside the starter casing. so i had it rebuilt and
    it runs like a champ now.
    HyDr0, Feb 14, 2004
  5. Gary Li

    Gary Li Guest

    Thanks for sharing your experience.

    I pull out the entire starter, and took out the cap of solenoid.
    There were a lot of the metal dusty, which might block the relay contact
    when the engine was started.
    Also, the contact head is in the conducted state, and it was not push back
    after engine on.
    This caused it stopless even after turning off engine. It may be due to the
    reason that I have taken out of the distribor cap when I tried to look at
    the distribute rotor under igniting.

    After clearing it, I found the copper ring and plates are worn, but each
    side of the metal still has about 1 mm thick.

    You said you had the solenoid rebuilt, I think it was similar situation as
    How did you rebuilt it ? by yourself ? or some auto services ? does the auto
    shop provide such services ?

    Gary Li, Feb 15, 2004
  6. Gary Li

    HyDr0 Guest

    I brought mine to a quality rebuilder company. they rebuilt the entire
    starter for me. new solenoid and brushes inside contacts and all. everything
    was brand new.
    HyDr0, Feb 17, 2004
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