Strange Honda Civic lighting problem

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Anon, May 8, 2004.

  1. Anon

    Anon Guest

    When turning the light switch on for parking lights, the rear taillights will come on, but the front parking lights will not. When the light switch it turned all the way on, the headlights will come on, but the taillights won't work. Has anybody seen this before? Could it be a bad switch for the lights?
    Anon, May 8, 2004
  2. Anon

    Honda Doc Guest

    Can you be more specific as to year and exact model?

    will come on, but the front parking lights will not. When the light switch
    it turned all the way on, the headlights will come on, but the taillights
    won't work. Has anybody seen this before? Could it be a bad switch for the
    Honda Doc, May 8, 2004
  3. Anon

    Randolph Guest

    Sounds like more than just the switch. Would help if you told us what
    year the car is. Have you checked the bulbs in the front parking
    lights? Do the dash & instrument lights work properly, or do they come
    Randolph, May 8, 2004
  4. Anon

    Jason Guest

    will come on, but the front parking lights will not. When the light
    switch it turned all the way on, the headlights will come on, but the
    taillights won't work. Has anybody seen this before? Could it be a bad
    switch for the lights?

    Please let us know whether or not you recently purchased the car. If you
    did, the prior owner is probably the person that screwed up the wiring.
    Jason, May 9, 2004
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