Strange noise from my del sol?

Discussion in 'Del Sol' started by be, Sep 3, 2003.

  1. be

    be Guest

    Lately I've noticed a whining noise in at least gear one through three
    at around 2k to 3k rpm. It reminds me of the noise when in reverse.
    Any ideas as to what it might be?

    It's a '96 Del Sol S with 46,000 miles
    be, Sep 3, 2003
  2. be

    be Guest

    I checked the oil and it was fine. Do i need to deal with this
    quickly? I don't mean to sound dense but it will affect how i pay for
    it. From my research it seems to require a complete teardown. If this
    is right shoulg i take care of anyhting else while it's open? I've got
    only 46000 on it but i'd like to do wahtever is smart.
    be, Sep 12, 2003
  3. be

    be Guest

    I checked the oil and it was fine. Do i need to deal with this
    quickly? I don't mean to sound dense but it will affect how i pay for
    it. From my research it seems to require a complete teardown. If this
    is right shoulg i take care of anyhting else while it's open? I've got
    only 46000 on it but i'd like to do wahtever is smart.
    be, Sep 12, 2003
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