Strange noise in reverse - 1999 Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by JRK, Jun 6, 2004.

  1. JRK

    JRK Guest

    I have a 1999 Accord 5-speed that is making a strange noise in reverse. It
    only seems to happen when backing with the wheels turned sharply to the
    right. As I back up and begin to straighten out the wheels I get a buzzing
    sound - apparently from under the hood on the right side, but who can really
    tell when you're inside the vehicle.

    The sound is almost like an electric pump noize or something. Once it starts
    it continues until the car is completely stopped. It doesn't seem to matter
    whether the clutch is in or out, braking or not. It doesn't sound to me like
    brakes, cv joints or a bearing. The noise doesn't seem to change frequency
    with the speed but the volume goes doen as the car slows.

    It doesn't appear to effect drivability, but the fact that I can't locate it
    drives me nuts. Any suggestions would be welcomed.

    JRK, Jun 6, 2004
  2. JRK

    John Ings Guest
    John Ings, Jun 6, 2004
  3. JRK

    JRK Guest

    | On Sun, 6 Jun 2004 11:51:26 -0600, "JRK" <>
    | wrote:

    I was sure that it wasn't the brakes. It didn't sound like any
    wear-indicator that I had heard before. Checked it out and sure enough...
    the pads needed changing.
    JRK, Jun 21, 2004
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