stupid rear brake drum

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by disallow, Apr 25, 2005.

  1. disallow

    disallow Guest

    Hey all

    98 civic lx canadian, Manual trannie, 220000kms

    my stupid rear passenger brake is draggin. About
    a year ago, while it was friggin freezing out,
    i noticed that my e-brake was not disengaging
    properly. I disconnected it inside the car
    (easy enough) and left the driver side connected
    so that I still have functionality (albeit not
    much) left for when I park my car. I do not leave it in gear, as I have a
    remote starter.

    Anyone have any ideas on whether this prob can
    be repaired, or if I have to replace the entire
    cable for that side of the e-brake?

    disallow, Apr 25, 2005
  2. disallow

    motsco_ _ Guest


    You'll need a torque driver to get the phillips screws out to take a
    look . . It's very basic drum brakes inside. Pick up a Chilton's at the
    dealer, or better yet, there's some great stuff and links at TeGGer's
    FAQ about rusted brakes.

    motsco_ _, Apr 25, 2005
  3. disallow

    halo2 guy Guest

    Also you shouldn't really be using your parking break when it is freezing
    because sometimes it will just freeze in the on position and cause you lots
    of problems.
    halo2 guy, Apr 25, 2005
  4. disallow

    TeGGeR® Guest

    I haven't covered drums yet, though.

    A Chiltons/Haynes (normally crappy manuals) are good for basic stuff like
    drum brakes.

    Also useful for beginners is this site:
    TeGGeR®, Apr 25, 2005
  5. disallow

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Probably the cable was frozen inside its sheath. If you reconnect it now,
    you'll probably find it's working fine now.

    Not a great idea at all...

    Sounds like you need to replace the parking brake cable, which is an easy
    job. Best to do both at the same time, as if one is bad, the other won't be
    far behind.

    You can check this by jacking up the rear of the car, removing both drums,
    disconnecting the cables from the mechanism (usually means complete
    disassembly), and then push/pull the cables to see if they both slide
    freely. Check any and all rubber bellows for splitting, which is how the
    water gets inside.

    Cables can suffer from rust, ingress of water, and binding due to impact
    and jacking damage. Drums brakes themselves are usually pretty reliable,
    because the mechanism is shielded from the weather.
    TeGGeR®, Apr 25, 2005
  6. disallow

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Only true if the rubber sealing bellows are broken.
    TeGGeR®, Apr 25, 2005
  7. disallow

    disallow Guest

    Thanks for the detailed response, Tegger. My replies are embedded in your
    message below:
    Actually, I did that, and that is why I am having
    problems now. Very frustrating, but I did this
    based on the same logic as above. Guess it
    must be physical damage to the sheath or its
    rusted inside. Is there a spring in there?
    What's not a great idea? Having a remote starter?
    (waste of gas in my car, since at idle it really
    doesn't warm up much. but i have it, and use it,
    gives about 20 seconds of running time before
    I take off since I normally start it while walking
    up to the car. ya ya, i know people don't think you
    need to idle before driving, I just do it... :) Its built into my car

    Or disconnecting the e-brake is a bad idea? Well,
    fortunately I live in Winnipeg. I can practically
    see the CN tower from here, so yes, I would agree
    that if I lived in BC or Alberta, this would be
    an incredibly terrible idea, but here in Manitoba
    where you can watch your dog run away for 3 days,
    not as big of a concern. And it does catch enough
    to prevent rolling on even some fairly steep grades like driveways and
    stuff. :)

    I do however plan on tackling this problem this
    summer, while I do my rear brake shoes. They've
    never been done, 220000kms on em. I guess they
    are glazed, cuz they've been at about 2 millimeters
    for like the last 100000kms. lol....
    I suppose it makes sense to do both. They would
    probably end up being different lengths if I only
    did one, since the old one would be stretched

    Another question, since I will be doing the shoes
    at the same time, is there a kit from Honda
    available with all the springs and related
    hardware? Probably time to think about
    replacing all that crap too.

    Maybe resurface the drums too.... is that worth

    I should probably put this in another topic,
    but here goes anyways: A couple years ago I went
    to a non-Honda shop to get my brakes inspected.
    My uncle worked there so I figured he could get
    me a deal. Well anyways, they adjusted my brakes
    somehow so that it changed the ratio of front
    to back application, ie before I went in, the
    ratio was probably 80:20 front brake power to
    rear brake power. My pedal went down pretty far,
    and I think it was probably a little too extreme.

    The shop adjusted the brakes so that it was
    more like 50:50 or 60:40 front to back. I felt
    this was a little extreme. He also adjusted the
    e-brake at the time to like 1-2 clicks (which is
    easy to change, but I thought I would mention).

    Anyways, is there an easy way to adjust this? Is
    it an adjustment in the drum somewhere?

    So when you gonna get the drum FAQ goin? :)

    Thanks a heap.

    disallow, Apr 26, 2005
  8. disallow

    disallow Guest

    hafto use the park brake, otherwise my command
    start won't work. its c-c-c-cold here in winter.... :)
    disallow, Apr 26, 2005
  9. disallow

    curiousity1 Guest

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    curiousity1, Apr 26, 2005
  10. disallow

    TeGGeR® Guest

    It can rust inside if enough water gets in for long enough. Probably what's
    happended to you now.

    Yeah. You're letting it sit in neutral, no parking brake. Somebody bumps
    your car and it will roll into...?

    I know, I've been to Winterpeg. Flat like a damn table. Cars disappear in
    the distance haze before they ever even come close to disappearing over the

    Not at Riding Mountain National Park! That's the pimple on Manitoba's face.

    The adjustment is inside the drum. The parking brake cable is given final
    adjustement AFTER the shoes are bedded in. There is only ONE correct way to
    adjust them, and proper feel is very much dependent on lots of factors, not
    just shoe adjustment.

    The number of clicks of the parking brake needs to be just enough that when
    the handle is released, the brakes don't drag. 1-2 clicks doesn't sound
    like enough. Usually it's 4 or 5.

    I forget just now if Honda adjusts drums with the parking brake or by
    stepping on the brakes while backing up. Either way, it would be obvious by
    pulling the drum off.

    TeGGeR®, Apr 26, 2005
  11. disallow

    disallow Guest

    I disconnected it inside the car
    Actually no. To be clear, I only disconnected
    the passenger side cable. The driver side
    cable is still hooked up and works. However,
    with only one side working, the functionality
    of the park brake is not what it should be. But
    I can park on inclines, and the car does NOT roll.

    Having no Park Brake would be extremely dangerous, agreed!!
    Thanks for the info...

    disallow, Apr 26, 2005
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