Switching winter tires

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by alyssa, Jul 26, 2006.

  1. alyssa

    alyssa Guest

    I was wondering if anyone could tell me whether or not I can switch winter
    tires from a 2002 honda civic onto a 2005 RSX Type S. I know that the civic
    the tires are for 15" rims and the rsx is for 17" rims. I woudln't put the
    rubber on the acura rim, I would buy a black winter rim. But would i be able
    to put the winter rim on the car with the winter tire?
    alyssa, Jul 26, 2006
  2. alyssa

    lesandbob Guest

    You'll have to know the aspect ratio (tire height divided by the tire
    width) which is usually 60% more or less. It's included in the numbers
    stamped on the rubber - i.e. 205/60R15 where 60 is the aspect ration.

    So a bigger rim with a lower aspect ratio tire might be the same
    diameter as the smaller rim and tire combo, which is the important
    thing. A tire shop should be able to give you the diameters of
    different tire sizes. Or go to
    http://www.1010tires.com/TireSizeCalculator.asp where they say to keep
    within 3% of the original.

    Bob Simpson
    lesandbob, Jul 27, 2006
  3. Thanks so much for the help!

    alyssa via CarKB.com, Jul 27, 2006
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