Tachometer bounces up before settling back down

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Hootie, Mar 6, 2006.

  1. Hootie

    Hootie Guest

    Hi all,

    92 Teg. Recently I've noticed that when I come to a stop, my tachometer
    would always bounce back up to around 1700 RPM before settling back down to
    850 RPM (my IDLE).

    Anyone knows what could be causing the tachometer to bounce up before
    settling down? Could it be a leak in one of the hose?

    Thanx in advance.
    Hootie, Mar 6, 2006
  2. Hootie

    Elle Guest

    One common cause of this is a cooling system inadequately
    purged of air. The EACV (or idle air control valve) is
    cooled by the anti-freeze in your car's cooling system. That
    valve is a high spot on certain cars. Follow the manual to
    the letter on purging this system, and this may cure the
    problem. Getting the fan to come on twice may take 40
    minutes of idling, so have a magazine.

    Other sensors that feed into the car's computer may also be
    seeing inadequate cooling due to air in the system.

    I had this problem at stops a couple years ago with my 91
    Civic. Turns out I'd recently replaced the thermostat,
    introducing plenty of air into the system, and had not done
    a proper purge afterwards. A proper purge fixed the problem
    right up.

    Vacuum leaks like you say could also be behind this. Other
    causes are possible as well. One step at a time...
    Elle, Mar 6, 2006
  3. Hootie

    .... Guest

    Mine would bounce up and down between idle and 1500 (accord). Mice had eaten a
    hole in the air cleaner element replaced that and also cleaned the thortle body
    very well. between those two it solve it.
    ...., Mar 8, 2006
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