Tall Accord 2003/2004 Drivers

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Fred Smith, Aug 16, 2004.

  1. Fred Smith

    Fred Smith Guest

    I'm curious if any taller drivers, especially long legged, have any thoughts
    after living with a new Accord which includes telescopic steering. Does it
    really help the tall drivers. In the past, most Accords I've driven really
    seem to require a reach when the seat is back far enough to be comfortable.
    Maybe I have long legs, or short arms, but this hasn't been an issue for the
    many American cars that I've driven. This has stopped me from purchasing
    Accords and other Japanese vehicles in the past.
    Fred Smith, Aug 16, 2004
  2. Fred Smith

    LBJGH Guest

    Unless you are seven feet tall you'll be just fine in an Accord.

    The Accord actually has 8mm MORE leg room than a Ford Expedition but the
    Expedition has 15mm more head room. (that's 3/8" and 1/2" for my American

    So if you have long legs get the Accord and if you have a big head get the
    LBJGH, Aug 17, 2004
  3. Fred Smith

    Jason Guest

    Several months ago, someone that was very tall told this group that he was
    upset with his new Accord because his head rubbed against the roof.
    Someone responded by telling the person that he should have figured this
    out during the test drive and purchased another vehicle such as an SUV
    made by Honda or Toyota.
    Jason, Aug 17, 2004
  4. Fred Smith

    JXStern Guest

    May be just a style thing, I believe driving with the arms out is
    "Italian style". Me, I'm a short guy, comfortable enough in my '04,
    glad the seat cranks up vertically.

    JXStern, Aug 17, 2004
  5. Fred Smith

    jim beam Guest

    Several months ago, someone that was very tall told this group that he was
    upset with his new Accord because his head rubbed against the roof.
    Someone responded by telling the person that he should have figured this
    out during the test drive and purchased another vehicle such as an SUV
    made by Honda or Toyota.

    i'm a tall guy and i really strongly object to this kind of attitude. i
    don't like suv's and drive a clunker civic _with_ loads of headroom
    _because_ i absolutely refuse to be a victim of these not-so-subtle
    manipulation of availabilities. suv's are excessively wasteful,
    dangerous both to their drivers and other road users and are merely a
    product of the oil industry's careful massaging of "demand".

    it's the same careful manipulation that has seen the dropping of
    virtually all hatchbacks sold here in the u.s. no more fabulously
    utilitarian [but economical] hatchbacks = more [gas guzzling] suv sales.

    please, THINK before you allow yourself to be a channel for such flawed
    jim beam, Aug 17, 2004
  6. Fred Smith

    Paul Stuart Guest

    May be just a style thing, I believe driving with the arms out is
    I'm probably even shorter than J is. At 5'3", I am pleased that the
    power driver's seat of my 04 Accord not only cranks up vertically to
    the highest level, but I also have a seat cushion on the seat bottom
    to raise me up even higher (by about another 2-3 inches).

    I still have a lot of headroom even with the sunroof. Besides, having
    the cushion on the seat bottom does help protect the seat leather from
    the sun and eventual cracking (with Lexol applied every month).
    Paul Stuart, Aug 17, 2004
  7. Fred Smith

    Paul Stuart Guest

    May be just a style thing, I believe driving with the arms out is
    I'm probably even shorter than J is. At 5'3", I am pleased that the
    power driver's seat of my 04 Accord not only cranks up vertically to
    the highest level, but I also have a seat cushion on the seat bottom
    to raise me up even higher (by about another 2-3 inches).

    I still have a lot of headroom even with the sunroof. Besides, having
    the cushion on the seat bottom does help protect the seat leather from
    the sun and eventual cracking (with Lexol applied every month).
    Paul Stuart, Aug 17, 2004
  8. Fred Smith

    Dave Kelsen Guest

    FWIW, 8mm is .315 inches, whereas 15 mm is nearly double that, .59
    inches. Expressed as fractions, that would be (rounding, of course)
    3/10 and 3/5 inches respectively.

    Dave Kelsen
    Dave Kelsen, Aug 17, 2004
  9. Fred Smith

    Im anonymous Guest

    I'm 6'4" and my 04 Accord Coupe isn't too bad. I do lean the seat
    back a little, put the rear of the seat bottom all the way down, and
    the front, partially up. It's still comfortable on long trips. When
    I first got in a new Accord coupe I eliminated it as an
    option....however, I went back to the dealer and tried adjusting the
    seat. Oh, I also have the steering wheel all the way out.
    Im anonymous, Aug 17, 2004
  10. Fred Smith

    LBJGH Guest

    Sorry... rounded to 1/10" not 1/100" ... I'm sure he gets the point.

    Kelsen, you must be an accountant.:p
    0.315" not 0.325" and 0.590" not 0.50"
    LBJGH, Aug 17, 2004
  11. Fred Smith

    Dave Kelsen Guest

    Nah! Programmer/Analyst, apparently with the emphasis on anal-ist! ;^)

    Dave Kelsen
    Dave Kelsen, Aug 18, 2004
  12. Fred Smith

    K-town Guest

    I don't know how the new Accord's leg room and head room would compare to a
    1986 Acura Legend, but if they're anywhere close, then you should be fine.
    I'm 6'2" and I have plenty of leg and head room. If you're over 6'6", then
    you may have a problem, but otherwise, you should be fine. Ironically
    enough, the Acura is my wife's car. I drive a 1990 Civic, and with the seat
    all the way back, I'd say my legs are bent only about ΒΌ (About a 120-degree
    angle measuring from the back of my knee, if you want to get technical) and
    I can reach the steering wheel fine. So, in short, I guess you should be OK
    with an Accord.

    K-town, Aug 18, 2004
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