Tegger replaces his alternator

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tegger, Mar 14, 2007.

  1. Tegger

    Tegger Guest

    Did I ever tell you aftermarket sucks?

    Through no fault of my own, I ended up with two aftermarket reman
    alternators (NAPA), both of which failed very quickly. This time I said
    screw the aftermarket warranty, bit the bullet and bought a genuine Honda

    And this one I installed...myself. First time for this type of project.

    I can now say, with total confidence, that there is absolutely NO way of
    removing the alternator in the 1991 Integra without first removing the left
    driveshaft AND the alternator's lower bracket.

    As with my suspension repairs, I found my electric impact gun and my
    balljoint tool to be worth their weight in gold. With them, the job was a
    piece of cake. Without them I don't think the job would have been possible.
    The spindle nut is torqued to 134 ft lbs, and requires at least twice that
    to remove.

    The factory manual wants you to remove the damper fork entirely. I wonder
    why, as the entire driveshaft was easily removable through the fork without
    even removing the pinch bolt. Perhaps my (aftermarket) inner CV joints are
    smaller in diameter than the OEMs were.

    The patient is resting comfortably, as is the surgeon.

    Pics here:
    Tegger, Mar 14, 2007
  2. Tegger

    jim beam Guest

    so where would you put the a/c and the power steering pump?
    jim beam, Mar 14, 2007
  3. I thought I would have to do the same in my 98 civic, ie remove driveshaft
    etc.... but I didn't. I simply got the alternator loose, then removed the 2
    bolts on the alternator-engine block bracket, and it pretty much fell in my

    Not so lucky on my wife's 87 prelude though.... with that one I had to remove
    the driver side upper motor mount to allow me to shift the engine over enough
    to make room to get the alternator out.

    Tegger, would this option have worked in your situation at all?

    loewent via CarKB.com, Mar 14, 2007
  4. PS, I used an alternator from the wrecker... $90 and I spent $5 on brushes
    and $3 on new bearings before I put it in.

    The wrecker alternator had 118000 kms on it, the civic had 198000kms at the
    time. Now its at 271000kms, still goin strong!

    My next replacement will be a honda reman, or I will take mine in to a shop
    to have reworked provided the diode is still good.

    loewent via CarKB.com, Mar 14, 2007
  5. Tegger

    Nick Guest

    Now you know when I have posted in the past saying the alternator was
    a PITA to do. There was absolutely no need to place that component in
    that location, they should have been able to get it in front like the
    Accord of that year. I'm curious, were you able to get the spindle nut
    off with your impact gun? If so what's the model...I may invest in
    one. I had to use a torch to get mine off and that was after 3 tries!

    Nick, Mar 14, 2007
  6. Tegger

    Tegger Guest

    My DeWalt (model DW293) is capable of 325 ft lbs of torque. It buzzed the
    spindle nut off in literally seconds. NO problem. I wasn't able to drive
    out all the staking the last guy put in the spindle nut, but that didn't
    matter to the DeWalt.

    I don't want to appear like a shill for DeWalt, but that electric impact
    gun is absolutely, astoundingly amazing. It has never failed to shift ANY
    bolt I've ever attempted to remove. Occasionally I have to go back-and-
    forth for a minute, but so far everything's always come loose. Some day I'm
    sure I'll run into a bolt it can't move, but so far that hasn't happened.

    The one and only drawback to the DeWalt is its considerable heft and bulk.
    It's a foot long from square drive to end of motor housing. It's therefore
    useless in an engine bay or other tight spot, but for bolts where you have
    lots of room for the beast, it's wonderful.

    It was $200 at Home Depot.
    Tegger, Mar 14, 2007
  7. Tegger

    Tegger Guest

    Can't do that with the 'Teg. The alternator is directly above the inner CV

    Believe me, alternator removal is most assuredly impossible unless you
    remove the driveshaft and the alternator bracket.

    No. There is absolutely NO room ANYWHERE to remove the alternator unless
    you remove the two parts I list above. You cannot remove the alternator
    from above. IMPOSSIBLE.

    I did study the situation thoroughly to make sure.

    Somebody once posted here that his dad or someone had managed to remove his
    alt upwards, removing the brake master cylinder to make room. That is
    impossible as well.
    Tegger, Mar 14, 2007
  8. Tegger

    Nick Guest

    On Tue, 13 Mar 2007 20:14:55 -0700, jim beam

    They are both in the front and above on my 95 Accord with the
    alternator...the engineers could have done the same, might have needed
    to extend the vertical size of the car a few inches but there is
    definitely room.
    Nick, Mar 14, 2007

  9. Did I mention why my cutoff date for Honda(s) is 1983 where the
    alternator replacement is a whopping fifteen minutes or so...


    Grumpy AuContraire, Mar 15, 2007
  10. Tegger

    Tegger Guest

    You didn't mention it and you don't need to. Stop making people jealous.
    Tegger, Mar 15, 2007
  11. Tegger

    Matt Ion Guest

    I've got it down to a science with my '87 Accord(s). Gotta remove it, slide it
    across the crossmember, over the engine mount, and out the far side of the
    engine, but I can re-and-re within half an hour now (after LOTS of practice).
    Most of that time is getting wrenches into that tight space to get everything loose.

    Might hafta look into that DeWalt impact gun, but until then, I LOVE my
    MasterCraft (Canadian Tire brand) cordless impact gun. For a 14.4V tool, it's
    amazingly efficient (rated 1050 in-lps.)... and lightweight, and compact... and
    strong! It once acted as an inadvertent jackstand when I was using it on an
    exhaust clamp and left it sitting under the frame rail when I let the car down.
    Matt Ion, Mar 16, 2007
  12. Tegger

    Tegger Guest

    That's 88 ft-lbs. Might as well use your fingers if you expect that one to
    budge a spindle nut.

    The DeWalt does 325 ft-lbs, or 3900 in-lbs.

    Love my DeWalt. LOVE it. Kiss kiss kiss (eww, greasy)...
    Tegger, Mar 16, 2007
  13. Tegger

    dan Guest

    I recommend "moving on up", like I did to a '90 Legend from my '88
    Accord a couple of years ago. That's if you don't mind giving up 50% of
    your gas mileage. The alternator is on top! The timing belt change is
    still a b*Tch.

    P.S. She just turned over 66K miles. :)-D)

    dan, Mar 17, 2007

  14. No way!

    I love my ol' Honda tin. Anything after 1983 starts with the *real*
    idiot lights, computers, real cramped quarters and too much complexity.
    Besides, I like 40+ mpg!

    The kicker is that so far, all repairs actually have been accomplished
    by using my gut instincts of old vintage cars of the 1950's and 1960's...


    Grumpy AuContraire, Mar 17, 2007
  15. Tegger

    Matt Ion Guest

    Well sure, but what do you expect for 14V?
    Would you two like to be alone?
    Matt Ion, Mar 18, 2007
  16. Tegger

    Tegger Guest

    Tegger, Mar 18, 2007
  17. Tegger

    Tegger Guest

    I finally got around to trying to find out why the crappy aftermarket
    alternator I recently removed went bad.

    First thing I did was pull the rear cover and the brush holder.
    Well, guess what I found?

    Check out these slip rings:
    See the inner ring? It was rough like sandpaper.

    And now the brushes:
    Look at the short one. That's the one that was riding on
    the inner slip ring. It wore down below spec just five months after

    I wonder what else was bad on that alt.

    Don't ever buy aftermarket shit.
    Tegger, Mar 22, 2007
  18. Tegger

    Elle Guest

    Here at Honda Car Talk, nothing beats "Slide Shows by

    Man I love that second photo in particular.

    "So I was just hangin' out in the ga-rage, and so I thought
    I'd dissect the old alternator for an afternoon of
    adventure... Maybe give ol'Elle a thrill with a few
    snapshots of the guts... "

    Elle, Mar 22, 2007
  19. Tegger

    Matt Ion Guest

    That's just brutal.

    I'd take it back to where you got it and drop it on someone's foot.
    Matt Ion, Mar 22, 2007
  20. Tegger

    Tegger Guest

    <holds flashlight under chin>

    Behold...the horror...
    Tegger, Mar 23, 2007
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