Tegger's oil consumption record: Updated

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tegger, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. Tegger

    Tegger Guest

    Looks like what I thought was a disaster may not be a disaster after all.
    Oil usage seems to have somewhat stabilized. I may get a year or more out
    of this puppy before it gets unmanageable.


    I think I can fairly safely say that ambient temperature has little to do
    with consumption. I think I can also fairly safely say that the oil level
    drops pretty much linearly on the stick, so it's not important where the
    level starts and ends.

    What does seem to have a very large effect on oil consumption is the manner
    in which the car is driven: The more heavy acceleration, the more wide-open
    throttle, the more oil the engine will consume. During the last few tests,
    I have made a conscious effort to drive like a granny (sort of), and it
    would appear at this point that oil consumption has dropped accordingly.

    As an aside... Some observation of our Tercel has led me to the same
    conclusion: The Tercel uses far more oil travelling the hills of
    Pennsylvania than it does in the much flatter lands at home north of there.
    The Tercel uses oil at about the rate of 6,000 miles per quart, but then it
    only has about 125,000 miles on it.

    Interestingly, in the face of obvious signs of heavy oil usage (wet
    throttle body, etc.), my gas mileage is completely unchanged from previous
    years (when the throttle body was dry). At the moment it's about 28mpg.
    Tegger, Nov 9, 2010
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