temp gauge runs cool

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mail, Nov 12, 2005.

  1. mail

    mail Guest

    My 93 Accord SE runs at normal temperature for a while, then the gauge
    drops to Cold, then back up a bit, then down again.

    The car runs well. I had this problem last winter and the water pump
    was replaced, I also replaced the thermostat. Since last winter the
    car has run well, then this behavior began again today.

    Could it be the temperature gauge, sending unit, or something else?
    Any suggestions will be appreciated.


    mail, Nov 12, 2005
  2. mail

    jim beam Guest

    could be just the sender unit connection. check the leads are fastened
    jim beam, Nov 12, 2005
  3. mail

    Burt S. Guest

    The sensor can intermittently touch coolant if bled improperly.
    Burt S., Nov 12, 2005
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