The Call of the Civic - 2006 Version

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Roy Starrin, Aug 16, 2006.

  1. Roy Starrin

    Roy Starrin Guest

    Due a smart move by my wife many moons ago, we live in a house by a
    lake well populated by Great Blue Herons and graceful White Herons.
    Beautiful birds, but their call resembles that of a crow being
    In my garage resides 2006 LX Civic sedan. Beautiful bird, same dismal
    In looking around the www, I could only find one alternate horn, here:
    and I have no idea what it sounds like.
    So, has anyone ever installed one of these, or some other alternative
    to replace the horn provided. Any thoughts, input would help.
    Now, a quick look at the car makes it look like getting at the horn
    could be a real problem. I would look in my Service Manual, but Helm
    doesn't have them, because Honda hasn't provided them, and Honda
    Customer Service says they have no information on when the manual will
    be available. So, has anyone been into that portion of the car. If
    it will take major surgery, it may not be worth it.
    Pity. Such a great car; such a crappy horn
    Roy Starrin, Aug 16, 2006
  2. Roy Starrin

    ishmale Guest

    Hello SuperTone

    ishmale, Aug 16, 2006
  3. Roy Starrin

    ishmale Guest

    ....but he meant to write: Hella SuperTone
    ishmale, Aug 16, 2006
  4. Roy Starrin

    Matt Ion Guest

    Hahaha, I love it :)
    Any decent auto-parts store should have a wide range of replacement horns,
    including air horns - Schucks, Pep Boys, NAPA, Lordco, Canadian Tire... whatever
    is "native" to your area. Or go to a wrecker and pull a set of horns out of an
    old '64 Dodge or something. They're a pretty simple device - ground one side,
    apply power to the other side, and clean out the earwax. Just about any horn
    from any car should work (at worst you may need to add a relay), so find
    something that you like the sound of, and plop it in there. I got a little $30
    set of air horns from a liquidation store for my '87 Accord and they're GREAT!

    Sample link:
    Matt Ion, Aug 16, 2006
  5. Roy Starrin

    Tom Levigne Guest

    Hey, this is pretty clever spam!
    Tom Levigne, Aug 17, 2006
  6. Roy Starrin

    Roy Starrin Guest

    Being somewhat of a mechanical misfit, I guess I was looking for a
    simple plug-in-a-different one approach. Looking at where the horn
    is, I guess I'll leave my reverse engineering until the warranty dies
    and I have no qualms about taking things apart.
    But thanks to all.
    Roy Starrin, Aug 17, 2006
  7. Roy Starrin

    Roy Starrin Guest

    Buzz off. I recognized when I wrote this that someone would
    undoubtedly say that my request is/was actually spam.
    My trust in human nature has not gone unrewarded.
    You missed the part where I castigated Honda and Helm for their
    inability to put a Service Manual on the street
    You want spam; here's spam.

    Roy Starrin
    National/International News Editor
    Roy Starrin, Aug 17, 2006
  8. Roy Starrin

    Joe LaVigne Guest

    I am considering replacing the horn on my Civic Si as well. The little
    girly horn just annoys me.

    I can't imagine it voiding warranty unless the horn stop working... ;-)

    The toughest part is finding a replacement horn with decent sound that will
    fit in where the current one is, or finding a suitable location and running

    Joseph M. LaVigne - 8/18/2006 2:29:42 AM
    Tobacconist Brick and Mortar Database:

    Scientists are complaining that the new Dinosaur movie shows dinosaurs with
    lemurs, who didn't evolve for another million years. They're afraid the
    movie will give kids a mistaken impression. What about the fact that the
    dinosaurs are singing and dancing?
    --Jay Leno
    Joe LaVigne, Aug 18, 2006
  9. Roy Starrin

    Roy Starrin Guest

    Tha't my problem. I'm not worried about voiding the warranty too
    much, unless I would have to take off half the front end to get to the
    site for it, or if they would contend that it would void the warranty
    for the enire electrical system. Running "extra" wiring and/or
    installing a different horn would certainly void whatever warranty
    there is for the affected equipment, but would be worth it if I
    useable horn with a suitable voice could be installed.
    I may wander by my local service Dept and see what it would cost, if I
    provided the horn. Certainly they can dig that out of their time/rate
    Roy Starrin, Aug 18, 2006
  10. Roy Starrin

    Matt Ion Guest

    I don't see where simply adding a horn would void any warranty. With my
    airhorns, one wire off the relay connects to the battery, one to a ground, one
    to the horn compressor, and one to the factory horn wire. On my '87 Accord, I
    just drop a plastic panel ahead of the wheel well, pull the wire in, and
    ScotchLock it to the appropriate wire - no cutting required. The horns
    themselves mount in the space between the grille and the radiator. If it did
    become an issue, the whole thing could be removed with virtually no sign it had
    ever existed.
    Matt Ion, Aug 18, 2006
  11. Roy Starrin

    Joe LaVigne Guest

    I am sure that if you want it done, they can come up with a way to charge
    you for it... ;-)

    Joseph M. LaVigne - 8/19/2006 1:37:56 AM
    Tobacconist Brick and Mortar Database:

    "If you were waiting for the oppurtune moment ... that was it."
    --Jack Sparrow, "Pirates of the Carribean"
    Joe LaVigne, Aug 19, 2006
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