The Immobilizer System has gotten the best of my 2000 Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by celiswhite, Dec 20, 2006.

  1. celiswhite

    celiswhite Guest

    My car won't start because of the immobilzer system has killed the fuel
    supply. My valet key does not solve the problem. This is not the
    first time this has happened. In the past my car would not start, then
    all of a sudden it cranked right up and worked fine, now it has
    reverted to its old ways. Is there anything I can do to without
    bringing it to the dealership???
    celiswhite, Dec 20, 2006
  2. celiswhite

    Jim Yanik Guest

    wrote in
    try resoldering the main relay.
    Jim Yanik, Dec 21, 2006
  3. celiswhite

    motsco_ Guest


    So, the KEY icon is flashing on the dash, and the engine spins but
    doesn't start? If there's no flashing icon, and it happened first thing
    in the morning, it's probably just flooded. The problem can be caused by
    a dribbling injector. The owner's manual tells you how to start a
    flooded Honda. Run some injector cleaner thru it at least twice a year
    to prevent future problems (and improve performance).

    motsco_, Dec 21, 2006
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