Window molding. How much time does it take a Merle O'Broham to change a window molding? Less than an hour! Dang, start to finish. Pop the door panel off, and all attached electrical thingies, unbolt and slide out the window, rip the old molding off, put the new one on, back in the window and door panel. Success, yay. Just a few cuts from reaching down inside the door fidgeting with the molding. Headlights. The boss was mentioning that she thought the headlights were kinda dim. '92 with 137k- probably the originals? After reading the FAQ and then some, I put in Sylvannia SilverStar bulbs. Kinda expensive ~. at AutoZone, but man what a difference. Nice clean white light. Does the bulb that burns twice as bright last half as long? Time will tell. She bought me a little wireless mp3 player doohicky for Christmas. It has a usb slot so I pop in my 512mb flash drives and play all my dl'd songs (heh heh) from the lighter to 87.7 FM. Sounds OK with no whining or static. An old Civic in Chicago rush hour traffic is not an audiophile listening room anyway. Cheers all.