Things I am upset with my Accord 2003 climate control system

Discussion in 'Accord' started by John Smith, Nov 3, 2003.

  1. John Smith

    John Smith Guest

    Hello, this posting is applicable to 2003 EX model with climate control
    but without NAVI.

    I just listed number of items from my disappointment list related to climate
    control /AC system.

    1. Fan power control buttons.
    These buttons located diagonally one above the other. They have down arrow
    (decrease power) on the upper button and up arrow (increase power) on the
    down button. I would assume that this should be the other way around.

    2. Internal circulation with Auto ON.

    I have noticed that in hot day internal circ light stays for quite long (can
    be an hour) if I get in the car when it hot from outside sun and Auto is
    ON. Then I found a way to get rid of the circ but keeping AUTO. I increase
    room temp above normal, at certain point of temperature circ light goes off,
    and then I decrease temp back to normal and circ light does not come up. I
    see here either a flaw in the logic or defect in the temp sensor. Otherwise
    I would expect circ coming up back again when I decrease below threshold
    temp. And still, internal circulation longer than 10 minutes seems to be

    3. In A/C ON or OFF mode, I assume that I have full control over the
    individual controls of the system. But when I increase/decrease temperature
    level I notice that fan speed changes too even if I didn't change fan
    settings. My assumption that temp and fan should be totally independent in
    this scenario.

    4. General lack of information in the display and therefore lack of

    When AUTO is on, it's ok to have only temperature levels displayed, because
    I realize that fan speed, temperature and modes are dynamically changed
    depending on outside conditions and temp settings. But as I turn off AUTO, I
    assume that these dynamic values are become fixed, but I have no idea what
    they are. No fan or mode display at the moment as well as AC ON or OF

    There is an indirect way to find it out though. As I change any of
    mentioned settings, it brings these settings to the display and only after
    that they stay. I assume these settings should be on display at any time
    when AUTO is off. And this indirect way has another drawback. As you bring
    value to the display you change it even if you want only to check it.

    I would be interested in listening opinions and experience of others,

    P.S. I wonder , if there is such a thing as firmware upgrade for car
    computer similar to let say cell phone?
    John Smith, Nov 3, 2003
  2. John Smith

    Dick Guest

    It always amazes me when people complain about modern A/C systems.
    Our first three new cars didn't even have a heater!

    Dick, Nov 3, 2003
  3. John Smith

    Paul Cardoza Guest

    If you push the A/C button (2nd from top on right) the NAV dispolay
    changes to climate control and all your settings are there. Just as
    described in the owner's manual.
    Paul Cardoza, Nov 3, 2003
  4. John Smith

    dold Guest

    The Insight had a firmware upgrade to adjust the displayed fuel mileage to
    be more in line with reality.

    (My HP620 camera had a firmware upgrade to allow proper operation with
    256MB SD chip... download to the camera as a USB disk drive, and then
    reboot... a camera!!)
    dold, Nov 4, 2003
  5. John Smith

    dbrebel Guest

    He clearly said "without NAVI"...
    dbrebel, Nov 4, 2003
  6. John Smith

    dbrebel Guest

    I guess... I didn't even notice it until you mentioned it. I think
    this mimics how other similar controls (volume on a stereo) are
    usually set... press left to decrease, right to increase. They don't
    take the upper/lower button thing into consideration... they just
    engineered the controls as if they were in a straight line.
    Agreed... it does stay on longer than my 2000 EX (also with automatic
    climate control). But I just let it work automatically and it doesn't
    seem to be an issue.
    In answer to 3 and 4, I believe that the system retains automatic
    control over all functions until you override them with specific
    manual controls. So in 3, for example, if you haven't manually set a
    fan speed, the system still controls it automatically.

    The advantage of this approach is that the system continues to control
    functions that you haven't "overridden". Last weekend, we had a lot
    of rain in my area, so I needed to use defog. When I manually set the
    mode, the system still controlled the temperature and fan speed, with
    the result being comfortably controlled temperature and clear windows.

    So that's why the system doesn't immediately display all settings when
    you turn off auto. Each automatically controlled function reverts to
    manual only when you explicitly take control of it by setting it. I'm
    pretty sure this is how it works, but I'm no expert, so I may be
    dbrebel, Nov 4, 2003
  7. John Smith

    Casey Guest

    dbrebel said for all posterity...
    Funny... I never noticed it either. I always just look at the
    arrows on the buttons.

    Casey, Nov 4, 2003
  8. John Smith

    Dean Guest

    Probably designed by the same engineering bozos who left out the radio
    station display. When you're changing stations, it displays the radio
    station, but once the it displays the clock, there's no button to display
    the radio station again. (well, you can push the bass/treble/bal/fade button
    5 times, but that's a pretty dumb workaround).
    Dean, Nov 4, 2003
  9. John Smith

    Dave Breda Guest

    these are quite plausible statements, but it's hard to imagine how climate
    control would work if some (one or more) parameters overridden ? e.g. how
    anything would function if fan speed is fixed at nearly 0 ?

    by the way, i have the same car, and i am confused with mode "auto" itself.
    when I turn the car on i have only temp values displayed, neither "auto"
    indicator is displayed nor "ac on/off","mode","fan". based on your idea it's
    already auto mode because no overridden values are on. now, when i press
    button "auto" indicator "auto" is displayed, so it means I have overridden
    what ....."auto" i had by default ????

    Dave Breda, Nov 5, 2003
  10. John Smith

    dbrebel Guest

    Well, that's how it works... if you set the fan speed at nearly 0,
    it's not going to do a very good job of climate control, but it'll do
    what it can based on what you've set. Honda has to design the system
    to work in semi-automatic mode regardless of how you manually override
    some setting, and they can't save you from yourself if you use the
    system in an illogical manner.

    Based on how the system operates on automatic, I doubt that many
    people would use the fan control to turn the fan speed down, since it
    goes WAY down all by itself. It's more likely that they'd turn the
    fan speed up, particularly if they're trying to clear very foggy
    windows or keep the windshield clear of snow or ice.
    Don't know what you did... mine always starts up in auto unless I've
    overridden something. Without watching you work the unit, it's
    impossible to guess what you've done. The things that you override
    are fan speed, mode and a/c on/off, and all display the set value when
    you do.

    What happens if you make sure that auto is on before you turn the car
    off? How is the system set when you start the car again?
    dbrebel, Nov 5, 2003
  11. John Smith

    Casey Guest

    Dean said for all posterity...
    What bozos are you talking about?

    The OP that you replied to said:

    "Hello, this posting is applicable to 2003 EX model with climate
    control but without NAVI."

    My 2003 EX without NAVI displays the clock and radio station all
    the time. The volume control will temporarily override the
    station number, but only for a few seconds.

    So, I'm thinking you must have the NAVI.


    "What happens if you get scared half to death twice?"
    -Steven Wright
    Casey, Nov 5, 2003
  12. John Smith

    Dave Breda Guest

    dbrebell, thank you for your input,
    i admit, example with "fan speed nearly 0" was not the best. more likely
    situation is setting the temp below outside with AC off. i understand that
    system will try to cool down as much as possible, but displayed temperature
    values would make no use because they reflect something which cannot be
    achieved in current conditions. making those values even lower does not
    change anything. so, in my opinion, this nonlinear behavior does create a
    confusion. well....., this was questionable matter, but below i describe
    straight forward example of the confusion....

    1. "auto" light on button is ON and "auto" indicator is ON.
    2. pressing IntCirc button makes "auto light and indicator to go off, and
    light on IntCirc button to come up.
    3.pressing IntCirc button again makes light to go off but AUTO indication is
    not restored.

    now comes the question: is system in full AUTO mode after step 3 or not ?
    if yes, then where is the indication, if no then what mode is it in and why
    Dave Breda, Nov 5, 2003
  13. John Smith

    Dean Guest

    I should have been more specific: the Civic radio does not display radio
    station after 5 seconds.
    Dean, Nov 5, 2003
  14. John Smith

    Milleron Guest

    It's not in full AUTO mode at that point. It's going to be forced to
    control the temperature as best it can without recirculating cabin
    air. It IS working the same way it was in your step #1, when AUTO was
    illuminated, but the AUTO light did not come on after your step #3
    because at that point the system no longer has control over the
    recirculation -- you have MANUALLY turned recirculate OFF. To get
    back to full AUTO, you would have to press the AUTO button. The way
    the indicators are lit and the status of the AC system as you describe
    it makes perfect sense to me. I don't think it's confusing or

    Milleron, Nov 6, 2003
  15. John Smith

    dbrebel Guest

    Milleron answered the AUTO question very well... thanks!

    As for the statement about the temperature with the A/C off, it's
    pretty much like the earlier fan question. There are so many
    combinations of settings that you could use that it would be kinda
    ridiculous to have all kinds of special behavior when you override
    something. The question I have to ask is... what would you consider a
    logical way for the system to react when you turn the A/C off? Should
    it prevent you from setting the temp lower than outside temp? And
    what about if you already have the temp set lower when you turn the
    A/C off? Is the display supposed to jump to outside temp?

    No, neither of those scenarios make sense, and would really be
    confusing, because suddenly the temp controls would be nonlinear. The
    temperature settings are just that, settings, and not a temperature
    gauge. As with many things in a car, Honda has to rely on a measure
    of common sense in people, and that they'd understand that, regardless
    of the temp setting, you're not going to lower than outside temp if
    you turn the A/C off. It's really no different than your thermostat
    at home... you can set the temperature down to 60 degrees, but if you
    don't have the A/C turned on, you'll never get there.

    It may not make perfect sense to you, but it does to me. And I can't
    imagine how they could change the control behavior to make more sense.
    dbrebel, Nov 6, 2003
  16. John Smith

    Dave Breda Guest

    agreed, your explanation totally make sense to me, thank you
    Dave Breda, Nov 6, 2003
  17. John Smith

    TL Guest

    My auto climate works great and the full auto and semi-auto works as
    described here (which I like). I like the fact that I choose the mode
    I like and still get the auto controlling the temp and fan speeds.

    Mine does NOT revert to Auto when I shut off the car. It comes back on
    exactly like it was when I shut it off. If I've set on of the
    controls, it comes back on the same way. I like this and it would
    annoy me if I had to reset it to my liking everytime I started up the

    Pushing Auto of course resets everything to automatic settings.
    TL, Nov 6, 2003
  18. John Smith

    Dave Breda Guest

    drrebell, i agree with Milleron, but if you ask me what could be possibly
    done if automatic system is off to avoid any confusion, the answer is
    simple, and you don't have to strain your imagination. system should act
    like conventional A/C :

    DISPLAY LEVEL OF HEATING which is absolutely certain rather than DISPLAYING
    TEMPERATURE which is in some conditions could be in fact meaningless or
    Dave Breda, Nov 6, 2003
  19. John Smith

    John Smith Guest


    this discussion came to interesting it actually possible to
    make discussed system to act like "conventional A/C" ? I bet NOT. And
    otherwise was the wrong assumption at the first place.

    Think about it...temperature is the only parameter you cannot "override".
    This could mean that temperature sensor may be always ON !!! In other words
    you cannot have control over "level of heating" regardless. Well, except
    probably situations when you have "HI" or "LO" settings.

    John Smith, Nov 6, 2003
  20. John Smith

    dbrebel Guest

    That solution didn't occur to me. I guess such a way of thinking
    pretty much requires that a person considers the way it's done to be
    confusing. And the bottom line is, I don't. I feel that the lack of
    consistency and added complexity in control operation has more
    potential to confuse than the abstraction employed.

    And it's not as if Honda invented this approach... automatic climate
    control systems have used the "set the desired temperature" control
    paradigm for years in systems from just about every auto manufacturer.
    Apparently there haven't been enough complaints about how confusing
    this paradigm is to prompt any of the manufacturers to change it.

    So let's just say that I respect your viewpoint, but personally prefer
    things the way they are.
    dbrebel, Nov 7, 2003
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