Timing belt and water pump replacement

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by R. P., Feb 2, 2004.

  1. R. P.

    R. P. Guest

    I wonder if it is really worth to have the water pump replaced at the
    same time the timing belt is, even though the pump shows no problem.
    The dealer's service advisor recommended it as -- supposedly -- the pump
    often goes bad at around the time the timing belt is due for replacement
    and if I have it done both at the same time I could avoid another
    expensive repair job soon after the belt replacement.

    Now, I know that much of the labor is the same for both jobs, but I
    wonder if dealers really pass the labor savings to me when they do both
    jobs at the same time or they just pocket it for themselves and bill me
    the same total charge I would accrue if they did the two jobs
    separately. Anybody here has any experience with this?
    I just figure they have these standard charges for each kind of service
    job and add them together on the bill, regardless whether they do the
    jobs at the same time or separately.

    R. P., Feb 2, 2004
  2. R. P.

    Barry S. Guest

    It takes 10 minutes and 5 bolts to replace the water pump with the
    timing belt off. It takes 3-4 hours to do a timing belt itself. The
    water pump is behind the timing belt.

    I think its worthwhile to swap out the pump at the same time your
    doing the water pump. I also think it's worthwhile to replace the
    thermostat ($15 part), since you have to drain the coolant anyways.

    Have them write you an estimate and scrutinize it.. If they want an
    extra $100 in labor to do the water pump, ask them for a discount
    since you know it's 5 bolts with the timing belt removed. Perhaps get
    an estimate from an independent Honda shop too.

    Note: To reply, replace the word 'spam' embedded in return address with 'mail'.
    N38.6 W121.4
    Barry S., Feb 2, 2004
  3. R. P.

    R. P. Guest

    Thanks, but would this be true also for a '94 Accord LX?

    R. P., Feb 2, 2004
  4. In my 92 LX it actually has 2 timing belts if memory serves me. I would do
    the water pump just as insurance. Some people do the tension pulley at the
    same time on the front end. The thermostat is a plus minus for me. On Hondas
    it is on the top hoses (as opposed to the bottom and you do not have to
    replace much fluid if you want to change the thermostat later0. It is on the
    other side of the block as well. wolf
    Wolfgang Bley, Feb 2, 2004
  5. R. P.

    Randolph Guest

    I would change the pump (and my money is where my mouth is, I did have
    the pump replaced in March of last year when I got my timing belt
    replaced). My thinking is that replacing the pump alone is just as much
    labor as replacing the timing belt and the pump. The TB replacement
    interval on my car is 90k miles. I know the pump made it to 90k, but I
    doubt it would make it to 180k. Replacing it now, I am out a small
    amount of money. If I waited until it failed I would be out a lot of
    money, and I thought it would be likely to fail before I needed a timing
    belt replacement again.
    Randolph, Feb 2, 2004
  6. Rudy,

    You still didn't mention the mileage. I'd do the water pump every second
    time. (If the coolant has been cared for). When we took the water pump
    out of our CRV, at 200,000km, it was so clean, inside and out, you could
    have eaten off it. Spins great. I had already bought the replacement, so
    I changed it. I keep the old one, just to marvel at it once and a while.


    'Curly Q. Links', Feb 2, 2004
  7. R. P.

    R. P. Guest


    The recommended timing belt replacment interval is at every 90K
    miles. My car is getting close to 180K miles, so it would be the 2nd
    belt replacement. They did replace the water pump at 90K. This car
    still runs like new.

    R. P., Feb 3, 2004
  8. R. P.

    R. P. Guest

    I know that but was wondering if the dealer charges the same amount
    for the water pump replacement if it's done at the same time the timing
    belt is replaced, thus pocketing the labor saving to himself. Well,
    when I get to make a service appointment for it I'll make sure to clear
    that up.

    R. P., Feb 3, 2004
  9. R. P.

    Barry S. Guest

    I believe so. However, you can go into the parts department and ask
    for a print out of the exploded drawing of the waterpump in relation
    to the timing belt and that would tell you for sure.

    Note: To reply, replace the word 'spam' embedded in return address with 'mail'.
    N38.6 W121.4
    Barry S., Feb 3, 2004
  10. Accord water pumps have been driven by the TB since at least 1990.
    Other Honda models since at least 1986. I would expect the dealer to
    replace the pump for the parts cost plus the cost of a coolant flush.
    The additional labor is trivial in relation to what has to be done to
    replace the TB.
    Gordon McGrew, Feb 4, 2004
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