Timing Belt Cover - do I need to replace it?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by rmiller, Feb 11, 2008.

  1. rmiller

    rmiller Guest

    Hi, I'm doing a swap of a 97 Accord F22B1 for a H23A1 into my 95
    Prelude. I was going to replace the timing belt on the F22 since
    that's what broke on the H23 and I think it's been done already.

    The reason I say this is the lower cover has a hole in it from the
    belt rubbing. It looks like the cover was never (re)installed
    correctly and the top edge around the crankshaft pulley wasn't seated
    behind the pully but was in front, hence the rub of the belt.

    My buddy says not to replace the cover and that this problem even
    exists on engines as they leave the factory.

    I wanted to get some more opinions before I decide.



    rmiller, Feb 11, 2008
  2. rmiller

    Elle Guest

    I would not like the easier access of dust and water to all
    the moving parts.

    Used Honda TB covers are abundant at junkyards. Should cost
    you just a few bucks.

    I do not recall reports of this problem (TB cover rubbing
    against whatever) here.
    Elle, Feb 11, 2008

  3. I would tend to agree with your friend.

    Both of my timing belt covers on my '82 & '83 Civics have "holes" where
    the pulleys have worn sections. Plastic covers simply distort in high
    engine compartment temperatures.

    Grumpy AuContraire, Feb 11, 2008
  4. rmiller

    Tegger Guest


    People also sometimes install belts too loosely.
    Tegger, Feb 12, 2008
  5. rmiller

    jim beam Guest

    no, the cover is there for a reason. all kinds of junk blows up under
    the hood from time to time. you don't want sticks or stones getting
    lodged in the timing belt.

    the only people that run without covers are those into adjustable cam
    timing, or who want to show off their colored aluminum cam gears.
    jim beam, Feb 12, 2008
  6. rmiller

    jim beam Guest

    exactly - properly adjusted belts [of the right quality that track
    straight] do not wear holes in the covers.
    jim beam, Feb 12, 2008

  7. Hey bub... Y' accusin' me of being "loose?"


    Grumpy AuContraire, Feb 12, 2008

  8. Au contraire... The holes in my covers were caused by distortion in the
    cover over the the lower pulley. Both cars exhibit the same malady..

    Grumpy AuContraire, Feb 12, 2008
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