Timing Belt / interference engine ( 98 Accord)

Discussion in 'Accord' started by gary_jabo, Dec 19, 2006.

  1. gary_jabo

    gary_jabo Guest

    I'm new to this group. I would like advice/opinions on a 1998 Honda
    I just bought this car used with 128,000 miles. It was through a dealer
    there is no way I can get service records.

    How difficult is it to change the timing belt on the 2.3L I-4 ?
    I had a 1984 Accord quite some time ago and I changed the belt myself.
    It wasn't too hard.
    Does the 1998 2.3L I-4 have an interference head?
    How much damage (if any) can be expected when the belt breaks?

    Thanks for the advice.
    Gary - ATLANTA
    gary_jabo, Dec 19, 2006
  2. gary_jabo

    Elle Guest

    From doing the job on my 91 Civic and reading a lot of posts
    on this here, if you're reasonably experienced with auto
    repairs (e.g. done brake pads, changed all fluids, checked
    timing, set valve lash) and if you have the time, then for
    this year Honda, this is probably something you can attempt
    and complete successfully by yourself. It may take some
    research and purchase of a few more tools. Several good web
    sites discuss Honda TB changes, and people here will be
    happy to send you to them as well as consult with you here
    at the newsgroup when you have questions.

    This newsgroup gets a lot of posts on Hondas bought used
    with an unknown service history. Others and I speculate
    it's so often "unknown"because the used Honda is most likely
    due for a TB change. The seller is trying to save $600 or so
    by not changing the TB before sale. So you want to change
    this Honda's belt a.s.a.p., IMO.

    Your Honda does have an interference engine. The engine
    damage if the belt fails can be severe. Depending on car
    speed etc. at time of failure, the pistons hit the valves,
    and then the valves are toast.
    Elle, Dec 19, 2006
  3. gary_jabo

    jim beam Guest

    if you've done this stuff before, you can do it again!

    potentially, lots. much too expensive to be worth /not/ changing the
    belt asap. as in, right now, don't wait.

    buy the honda service manual from helm.com, and get a crank pulley
    holder. an impact wrench or 3/4" socket driver for the pulley bolt will
    be handy too.
    jim beam, Dec 19, 2006
  4. gary_jabo

    stvnjns Guest

    My two cents:
    I have changed TB on 93/97/98 Civic. Only real issue that I ran into
    was that I had to rent a 3/4" impact driver to remove the crankshaft
    bolt. My 1/2", just didn't do it at 120 psi. If you have more psi -
    you might be okay. Th rest of the task is straight forward.
    stvnjns, Dec 19, 2006
  5. gary_jabo

    E Meyer Guest

    If you bought it through a Honda dealer, they can tell you from their
    computer what dealer services were performed on the car.
    The only trick is getting loose the crank bolt. Its torqued to 180 lb-ft
    and will require considerably more force than that to break it loose. If
    you have the holding tool and/or access to an air wrench, its not that big
    of a deal. There is also a balancer belt in there that should be replaced
    at the same time.
    Enough that its not worth waiting. Damage is not guaranteed if the belt
    breaks, but the odds are not in your favor.
    E Meyer, Dec 22, 2006
  6. gary_jabo

    Tegger Guest

    wrote in @f1g2000cwa.googlegroups.com:

    Oh yes.

    Potentially lots, and if it happens, very expensive!

    As others have pointed out, the primary problem is going to be removing the
    crank pulley bolt.
    See here:

    As well, you have a balance shaft belt that needs to be replaced at the
    same time.
    Tegger, Dec 24, 2006
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