Timing Belt Replacement 99 Accord Ex 4 cyl AT (93,000 miles)

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Sid, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. Sid

    Sid Guest

    The Dealer quoted me a price of $782 (in Texas) to replace the timing
    belt, balancer belt, water pump, "and a couple of oil seals".

    This seems high to me, but then everything seems high these days. I
    have a couple of questions for the group.

    1. Are they ripping me off?

    2. If I can save one or two hundred dollars would it be advisable to
    go to a local (non-dealer) garage where I have had good work done
    before on other cars?

    3. If I go with the local shop, should I buy the parts from Honda
    instead of letting them buy generic parts from their supplier?

    3. What oil seals is the dealer referring to that he said should be

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Sid, Sep 9, 2008
  2. Sid

    Sid Guest

    Also, what parts would the local garage need besides the obvious.

    Timing belt
    balancer belt
    water pump

    I already have the serpentine belt and alternator belt onhand, I just
    need to replace them.

    I am looking at this parts list

    and I am not sure which seals, washers, etc are reusable and which
    ones I should buy.
    Sid, Sep 9, 2008
  3. Sid

    Brian Smith Guest

    YOu Texans have no problem pointing out to the rest of your country
    that "Things are bigger in Texas", now you are complaining. Why is that?
    Brian Smith, Sep 9, 2008
  4. Sid

    SMS Guest

    Yes. A local garage would probably only charge about $500. It's an short
    job in terms of time, two hours of actual labor at the most, though if
    they're using shop rates then they're probably charging you 4 hours of
    labor because they're pricing the water pump and belt as separate jobs.
    The local shops I use are happy to use genuine Honda parts if you
    request them and are willing to pay the difference. The local shop will
    charge you the retail price for the parts even though they get them from
    the Honda dealer at a discount.

    Sometimes they don't mind if you bring the parts because it saves them
    time ordering the parts and waiting for delivery or picking them up.
    Sometimes they don't like it because they lose that bit of profit.
    I guess you should ask the dealer that.
    SMS, Sep 9, 2008
  5. Sid

    Jim Guest

    Sid , go to E-Bay and buy the whole kit and take it to a shop you
    trust. Save a bucket of money.
    Jim, Sep 9, 2008
  6. Sid

    Dano58 Guest

    You need to go to someone other than the dealer. I have a quote of
    $850 for a timing belt, water pump, tensioner, etc., for my Audi A4
    1.8T from my local (trusted) garage. By way of comparison, to change
    the TB in many Audis, you need to remove the front bumper and
    radiator, so the time involved is more significant than for a
    transversely-engined car like your Accord.

    Dan D
    '07 Ody EX
    Central NJ USA
    Dano58, Sep 10, 2008
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