Tips To Get Better Gas Mileage/Performance!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Blazer, Dec 2, 2006.

  1. Blazer

    Blazer Guest

    Hi, I added a reformulator to my oil crankcase and gas tank and got better Performance and an INCREASE in gas mileage. It works on just about any combustible engine. It works on cars, boats, generators etc. I even use it in my lawn mower, lol. This stuff works. I put 1 ounce per 10 gallons of gasoline in my car and 1 ounce per every quart of oil my crankcase takes. Of course you have to adjust it to put it in smaller engines like in snowmobiles, motorcycles, generators etc.
    You won't get maximun results on your first time you use it, but the more you keep using it, the better the gas mileage. Anything to help with the High Gasoline Prices now days. Here is the link where you can get the fuel reformulator. I hope it helps.
    Blazer, Dec 2, 2006
  2. Anyone want to buy Brooklyn Bridge? Anymore snake oil for sale?
    Edward W. Thompson, Dec 3, 2006
  3. Combustible engines don't work very well to begin with. Better to mix
    fire-extinguisher foam with the fuel for longer engine life.
    As for this shit, I wouldn't put it in a 1973 Vega.
    Gordon McGrew, Dec 3, 2006
  4. Blazer

    nm5k Guest

    He's probably buying up cans of acetone at home depot, rebottled at 18x
    normal price, and has gone into the automotive snake bit biz.. LOL...
    nm5k, Dec 3, 2006
  5. Blazer

    Double Tap Guest

    Just try this. Much less expensive but a pain the as*
    Double Tap, Dec 3, 2006
  6. I still won't risk putting unapproved solvents in my tank - the potential
    costs are far too high. But mostly I am concerned that nobody has seen fit
    to market acetone as a gasoline additive (one bottle treats a whole tank for
    one thin dollar!) There is enormous money to be made but nobody seems to
    want to go out on that limb. I wonder why.

    Michael Pardee, Dec 3, 2006
  7. Blazer

    Eric Guest

    Probably because these two paragraphs, upon which the justification to use
    acetone rely on, were written by someone who has little understanding of
    Water will reach 300 °F before vaporization under pressure. However, is the
    gasoline under pressure once it's been released by the fuel injector? No.
    In addition, the surface tension of gasoline is remarkably low compared to
    water. Just try floating a sewing pin on gasoline. Now try it again with a
    second clean pin on water. Gasoline is mostly a non-polar fluid, thus it
    has extraordinarily few hydrogen bonds in it compared to water which are
    responsible for creating water's surface tension. Moreover, water will
    vaporize quite nicely even at room temperature. Just put a mL of water in
    an open dish on a sensitive balance, one measuring in grams to at least 4 or
    5 decimal places. The balance will never equilibrate due to the continuous
    loss of water to the vapor phase. For each mg lost, a µL of water has been
    lost to the vapor state right before our eyes. Now for comparison, put the
    water in a small enclosed container. The container will "lose" weight for a
    short period of time but then quickly stop as the air in the container
    becomes saturated and the number of water molecules leaving the bulk water
    for the vapor phase reaches equilibrium with the number of water molecules
    in the vapor phase returning to the bulk liquid water. For fun, repeat the
    experiment with gasoline. What you'll find it that the gasoline "loses"
    weight more quickly. That's due to it's higher vapor pressure. A higher
    vapor pressure means that it's easier for gasoline molecules to enter the
    vapor phase. Why? There's far fewer polar bonds thus there's much less
    hydrogen bonding holding the gasoline molecules in the liquid phase. The
    hydrocarbon molecules in gasoline are held in the liquid phase primarily by
    london forces due to the instantaneous polarizability of the electron
    clouds. London forces are considerably weaker than the hydrogen bonds found
    in polar molecules. Thus, we've just demonstrated that gasoline will
    vaporize much more easily than water and is indeed quite dissimilar with
    respect to surface tension contrary to the claims made in the article. Now,
    if someone with a sensitive balance has some time on their hands, then it
    would be fun to test the article's hypothesis that a small amount of acetone
    will noticeably raise the vapor pressure of gasoline. Any volunteers?
    Natural frequency? Inherent molecular vibration? Every molecular bond will
    have stretching and bending frequencies which are unique to a particular
    type of bond, including the molecular bonds found in both gasoline as well
    as acetone. Lower the temperature and these will decrease. At 0 °K they're
    all gone! Maybe they would suggest preheating the gasoline? That would
    certainly increase it's "inherent molecular vibration". I'm curious how
    they determined that the bonds are "sluggish". Wishful thinking perhaps?
    The author isn't very good at math either! For example, 1 part in 3000 is
    0.033% while 1 part in 5000 is 0.02%. Moreover, 3 oz. per 10 gallons is

    Overall, the article is entertaining to read but probably not useful for
    much else.

    Eric, Dec 4, 2006
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