Toyota dominates 2006 quality rankings

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Gosi, Jun 7, 2006.

  1. Gosi

    Gosi Guest
    Gosi, Jun 7, 2006
  2. Gosi

    Another Tom Guest

    Yeah, I was reading that @ the dealership having my axle seal changed
    under warranty.
    Another Tom, Jun 8, 2006
  3. Gosi

    Jeff Guest

    The survey was 217 questions. when I fill out surveys, I usually don't care
    much after the first 10 or so questions. I wonder how carefully the takers
    of the survery actually take the survey.

    Also, the survey is the first 90 days of ownership. Not very helpful if you
    want a car to last 400,000 km.

    Jeff, Jun 8, 2006
  4. Gosi

    Bob Palmer Guest

    I believe that Toyota and Lexus are the top brands but I still don't put
    much value in what JD Power says. Over the years they have rubber stamped
    just about every new model, even the ones that turn out to be crap.
    Bob Palmer, Jun 8, 2006
  5. Gosi

    flobert Guest

    in the Uk/EU, the ones they run with the BBC's top Gear program for
    the last 10-12 years have actually been very good (oops, just found
    out they've been with Experian, and not JD power for the last 4
    years). Of cours,e they ask people to call in, rather than approach
    them, so people are more motivated to answer, and they're not talking
    new cars, right now they want *ahem* "To take part, you must own a car
    registered between 2003 and 2004 on a 03, 53, 04 or 54 plate." (for
    those that don't know, UK license plates stay with the car, and
    indicate the age of the vehicle. Its currently on its 3rd arrangement
    since it started in '64)

    This is more the kind of survay thats of more use to the consumer, and
    not only addresses the car, but the dealers as well.
    Here's the 05 survey
    flobert, Jun 8, 2006
  6. Gosi

    Michael Guest

    I've heard that if you take Lexus out of the mix, GM (minus Cadillac) gets
    higher ratings.

    Michael, Jun 8, 2006
  7. Gosi

    B A R R Y Guest

    Take the winner off the race results, everyone moves up a notch. <G>

    Your point?
    B A R R Y, Jun 8, 2006
  8. Gosi

    jim beam Guest

    he doesn't have one. a "race" assessed on the first 90 days of
    ownership is a fixed race. and even when the race is fixed, domestics
    are /still/ garbage. it's just pathetic [paid?] trolling.

    but pathetic though that is, it's /nothing/ compared to the fact that
    /we/ taught q.c. to the japanese. wtf can't we use our own freakin'
    resources for our own freakin' benefit???
    jim beam, Jun 8, 2006
  9. Gosi

    Mike Hunter Guest

    Interesting according CRs survey of its over 200,000 subscribers, the 63,607
    of whom responded of the 9,000,000 or so buyers who bought 2006 model
    vehicles so far, Toyota buyers chose the number FOUR rated brand of vehicles
    rather than the number TWO rated brand. Amazing! If one bases their
    purchase of the opinions of others, why would anybody do that? The number
    two brand, Hyundai, had a initial quality rating that is only a paltry .02
    better than Toyota for sure, but the drive home price in generally at least
    20% MORE to if one buys a Toyota.

    Of course CR releases only the raw numbers to the public so one can not
    quantify the type or severity on the defects. To get the details of the
    survey and get the real scoop, one must pay big bucks for a copy ;)

    CR proves once again that every manufacture is building good quality
    vehicles today, the only real difference is style and price. According to
    CR the initial quality rate for 2006 models falls between .93 to 2.04 with
    the average being only .0124. That is an industry wide improvement of 8%
    from their 2005 survey. That is better than most every product on the
    market today, pretty amazing considering how and where autos are used vis a
    v other products. ;)

    mike hunt
    Mike Hunter, Jun 8, 2006
  10. Gosi

    Dan J.S. Guest

    Yeah and if you add Renault, and subtract Yamaha engine and add a Suzuki
    platform, then Mazda would come number one as well!!
    Dan J.S., Jun 8, 2006
  11. Gosi

    ShoeSalesman Guest

    is that how they justify their over-pricing? Then again, I guess its not
    over pricing if people pay it :(
    ShoeSalesman, Jun 8, 2006
  12. Gosi

    B A R R Y Guest

    Same as good shoes...
    B A R R Y, Jun 8, 2006
  13. Gosi

    Mike Hunter Guest

    Bad analogy. People are paying from $20 to over $100 for a pair of
    sneakers. The cost of which to make runs between less than a dollar up to
    only around $15. If the shoe is not made of leather they cost even less to
    make ;)

    mike hunt
    Mike Hunter, Jun 8, 2006
  14. Gosi

    Bob Palmer Guest

    With JD Powers you are probably right. Whoever sends them enough money to
    promote their brand will get the nod. With JD Powers if you took away Lexus,
    you just might get higher ratings with GM. But take away JD Powers and go to
    the real world and you will find Toyota at the top and Honda #2.
    Bob Palmer, Jun 8, 2006
  15. Gosi

    ShoeSalesman Guest

    not even close to what I meant.....
    ShoeSalesman, Jun 9, 2006
  16. Gosi

    flobert Guest

    ok, but such vehicles are less than a year old. Admittedly, I've a
    friend who's had an 06 camry now for 18 months, and is sick and tired
    of its problemsinflaited maintainance etc.

    by the time we get 2-3 years down the road, then we'll see if these
    cars still perform as good to own and drive.
    flobert, Jun 9, 2006
  17. Gosi

    Lee Florack Guest

    If I buy something that has better quality, better looks and better
    resale, it might just be worth it.

    If I take your logic and reverse it, I could say that if I buy junk,
    it's probably not a bargain.

    BTW, I don't now nor have I ever owned a Toyota.
    Lee Florack, Jun 9, 2006
  18. Gosi

    Lee Florack Guest

    I think we knew that
    Lee Florack, Jun 9, 2006
  19. Gosi

    Mike Hunter Guest

    That is a whole other survey. This survey merely compare the vehicles when

    mike hunt
    Mike Hunter, Jun 9, 2006
  20. Gosi

    Mike Levy Guest

    Please note that this is the INITIAL quality survey. The whole point
    if this particular survey is to see how consistent a brand and its
    suppliers are when it comes to the quality of parts used in a vehicle
    and how well they're assembled at the plant. It's a rating of quality
    control and how well the car companies are managing it. What they're
    getting at with the survey is that EVERY vehicle line will have a
    problem car or 2 come off the line, this just is an indicator of which
    those are.

    Take the 2006 Grand Prix for example (it took top honors for the
    "large car" segment BTW). I own one, it's had 2 quality problems
    (though I didn't get the survey), one was a chirping HVAC fan with the
    other being peeling finish on an interior door panel. Both of those
    problems are QC issues at the supplier level but it appears that my
    car actually falls into the "normal" range. Both problems were
    resolved by the dealer without question, the HVAC fan was replaced at
    the first oil change, the door panel was replaced shortly after due to
    it being on backorder (indicating to me that there either was a big QC
    issue at the supplier or they were building as many cars as they could
    get panels for). I've had no other problems but the car is just about
    to pass 9,000 miles so it's still a baby. I DID buy an extended
    warranty for my car, not that I EXPECT a problem down the road, but I
    wanted warranty coverage for the life of the loan.
    Mike Levy, Jun 9, 2006
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