Toyota to raise prices out of consideration for U.S. car makers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bucky, Jun 10, 2005.

  1. Bucky

    Bucky Guest

    "Toyota Motor Corp. is preparing to raise prices of its new cars in the
    United States by an average 2 percent to 3 percent in October out of
    consideration to its struggling U.S. rivals, the Asahi daily said on

    This article cracked me up. "Out of consideration"... nice spin. Maybe
    they can buy some of GM and Ford junk bonds to prop them up too. =)
    Bucky, Jun 10, 2005
  2. Bucky

    BRaymond Guest

    Look at the market capitalization of Toyota as compared to Ford or GM.
    Toyota could actually buyout GM, but it would lower its own stock price.
    BRaymond, Jun 13, 2005
  3. Bucky

    Bucky Guest

    Of course Toyota could buy out GM... but why would they want to do

    GM's market cap is so low, they could could buy themselves out. ($20B
    market cap compared to $300B debt).
    Bucky, Jun 13, 2005
  4. Bucky

    Dave Guest

    The $30B is an over-hyped on generally misunderstood number. The
    vast majority, about 90%, is from the credit company, GMAC.
    Anyone know how much debt the other leading loan companies hold?
    And how GM's $30B of auto company debt compares to any other auto

    I don't think that debt is much of an issue. The real issue is
    the long-term retiree and worker obligations compared to their
    current and future market share. And even there, I suspect that
    the present crisis is somewhat media overblown. Just MHO.
    Dave, Jun 13, 2005
  5. Bucky

    RustyFendor Guest

    In Japan a company can not be owned by a foreign corporation. ;)

    mike hunt
    RustyFendor, Jun 13, 2005
  6. Bucky

    Bucky Guest

    Hmm, good point. I'm don't claim to understand financial statements.
    But for the record, I did not mistype $300 B. Their debt really is $300
    B, not $30 B.

    I'll take another approach then: I noticed that GM has $15B cash, so
    they still almost can buy themselves out. I checked Ford too, and
    they're even closer. $18.7B cash compared to $19.1B market cap.
    Bucky, Jun 13, 2005
  7. Bucky

    Dave Guest

    No, I mistyped. You are correct that the total debt is $300B, of
    which all but about $30B is GMAC's.
    Dave, Jun 13, 2005
  8. Bucky

    SoCalMike Guest

    japan has retirees, too. and its expensive as hell to live there.

    its not like they send all their old people off onto flaming rafts in
    the sea of japan, or give em seppuku swords to kill them selves instead
    of a gold watch.

    i think part of the reason lies with nationalized health care.
    SoCalMike, Jun 14, 2005
  9. Bucky

    Dave Guest

    GM was the single largest corporation in the world. If I recall,
    there are currently about 1M retirees that GM covers. I would be
    surprised if Toyota's numbers are anywhere close, but I cannot say
    for a fact.
    To be sure.
    Dave, Jun 14, 2005
  10. Not to mention universal retirement - wouldn't it be ironic if the Big 3
    CEOs lead the way to universal health coverage in the US?
    Sparky Spartacus, Jun 16, 2005
  11. Bucky

    Jim Boyer Guest

    It won't be ironic at all. After the big stink and divisiveness created over
    the Clinton health plan many think tanks were quietly reporting that within
    10 years 70% of the plan would be in effect anyway regardless of the party
    in power. The economic realities of costs of retirement and health care and
    the global business climate will have voters of both parties clamoring for
    help as not only the poor but the middle, working class get dumped.
    Jim Boyer, Jun 16, 2005
  12. Bucky

    C. E. White Guest

    Define "own."

    GM owns approximately 20% of Suzuki and Fuji Heavy
    Industries (Isuzu). Ford owns 33% of Mazda. DiamlerChrysler
    owns 85% of Fuso (Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation)
    and 34% of Mitsubishi Motors. Clearly Fuso is "owned" by
    DiamlerChrysler. Ford effectively controls Mazada. GM
    effectively controls Isuzu (not sure about Suzuki though).
    DiamlerChrysler does not appear to control Mitsubishi in the
    same way Ford controls Mazda...I wonder why?

    C. E. White, Jun 16, 2005
  13. Bucky

    SoCalMike Guest

    fuji heavy industries makes subarus along with fuji photographic
    products. hence, the subie with the saab makeover.
    SoCalMike, Jun 17, 2005
  14. Bucky

    MikeHunt Guest

    GM also has a large piece of Suzuki but they build the cars in
    the former Daewoo plants in Korea. Ford has a large piece of
    Mazda but they can not own the company. Ford also had a big piece
    of the Japanese electrical company that developed the hybrid
    system for the Escape and the Prius but could not buy the company
    even though would like to. Toyota bought the company.

    mike hunt
    MikeHunt, Jun 17, 2005
  15. Bucky

    SoCalMike Guest

    i was under the impression toyota designed the system wholly on their
    own, and licensed the technology to ford.
    SoCalMike, Jun 17, 2005
  16. Bucky

    Dave Guest

    ?? Sure about that? Details?
    Dave, Jun 17, 2005
  17. Bucky

    C. E. White Guest

    That is what Toyota likes you to think. Aisin Seiki Co.,
    Ltd. (aka Aisin AW and/or one of the many affiliated
    companies) primarily developed the technology. Toyota liked
    it so much, they bought a chunk of the company (well
    actually they bought chunks of both Aisin Seiki and Aisin
    Seiki' Aisin Warner subsiduary - all way yoo complicated for
    me to understand). For whatever reason, Toyota likes to
    obsscure the origins of the technology. Aisin's annual
    report makes numerous references to supplying hybrid
    technology for Ford's Escape, but never mentions supplying
    similar technology for the Prius. In its annual report,
    Toyota's only refence to its ownership stake in Aisin is
    "Entities comprising a significant portion of Toyota’s
    investment in affiliated companies include Denso
    Corporation; Aioi Insurance Co., Ltd.; Toyota Industries
    Corporation; Toyota Tsusho Corporation; and Aisin Seiki Co.,
    Ltd." Figure out what that means.... As far as I can tell
    Toyota owns about 25% of Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd and 40% or so
    of Aisin AW (so does this mean that Toyota really owns 55%
    of Aisin AW - 40% directly, plus 25% of the 60% Aisin Seiki

    If you want to try to figure out who is sleeping with whom, is fun

    Other references:

    C. E. White, Jun 17, 2005
  18. Bucky

    C. E. White Guest

    If foreign companies cannot own companies in Japan, how come
    DiamlerChrysler owns 85% of Fuso? And I don't think Ford
    ever owned a significant percentage Aisin (or Aisin-Warner,
    or Aisin AW, or any of the other names the company and it
    subsidiaries use). Ford has and does buy parts from the
    various Aisin subsidiaries (including Escape Hybrid parts
    and 6 speed automatic transmissions for the Five Hundred /
    Freestyle). You are right about Toyota buying a chunk (or
    chunks) of Aisin Seiki / Aisin AW / whatever to secure the
    hybrid technology. The actual percentage owned by Toyota is
    difficult to determine because Aisin and Toyota subsidiaries
    are interwoven on many different levels. This is typical of
    Japanese companies and their suppliers. I think something
    like 70% of Aisin production goes to Toyota, so whether
    Toyota owns a controlling interest or not, I am sure Aisin
    listens when Toyota speaks.

    C. E. White, Jun 17, 2005
  19. Bucky

    Ray O Guest

    Toyota has had its relationship with Aisin for at least 40 years, well
    before the advent of hybrid technology.
    Ray O, Jun 17, 2005
  20. Bucky

    MikeHunt Guest

    Not so. It was a Japanese company working in concert with Volvo,
    Toyo Togyo, and Toyota. Ford gained full access when they bought
    Volvo. Each company licensed each others patents to avoid the
    need for cross licensing. The system in the Escape and the
    Prius, while based on the same technology, are difference in
    application. Search "Automotive News" for the particulars

    mike hunt
    MikeHunt, Jun 17, 2005
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