Tranny problem when driving on uphill???

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mmdir2002, Mar 24, 2005.

  1. mmdir2002

    mmdir2002 Guest

    89 Civic has no problem on freeway driving. It's uphill when the
    tranny acting out strange. On uphilll driving, sometimes it can't find
    the right gear and it still for a quick moment and then suddenly
    accerated, but most time the car lost the power and so slow climbing. I
    posted this before. They suggested me I should drive a gear with "D2"
    or "D3." One time I shifted a gear to
    "D2" on uphill driving, and the car was overheating. The RPM was very
    high. I guess the high RPM caused the overheating. But my question is
    do I have a tranny problem here? Why my car has no
    power on uphill driving?
    mmdir2002, Mar 24, 2005
  2. With that age of a car you should learn how to become a mechanic or get
    rid of it. It's going to need parts replaced on a regular basis to keep
    it in good shape.
    Kevin McMurtrie, Mar 24, 2005
  3. mmdir2002

    jim beam Guest

    red cloud, the symptoms you describe are typical for that vehicle.
    advice you've previously been given is the best possible considering the
    transmission/ecu that vehicle has. your only alternative is to buy a 99
    or later civic that has "grade logic".
    jim beam, Mar 24, 2005
  4. mmdir2002

    mmdir2002 Guest

    then it's normal
    mmdir2002, Mar 24, 2005
  5. mmdir2002

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Are we forgetting the obvious, like, what's the mileage, when did you
    last check the tranny fluid level, what color is the fluid on a white
    sheet of paper, what kind of fluid are you using, does it smell burnt?

    motsco_ _, Mar 25, 2005
  6. mmdir2002

    Dee Guest

    I had an '88 Civic LX (manual transmission) that did the exact same thing
    when it was new. I was driving in the hills around a lake in Austin with a
    couple of passengers one morning and my car simply wouldn't take some of the
    hills. I finally had to turn around and give it up after smelling a burning
    odor. Forget it! I was so mad. I asked around and was told the engine was
    just too weak. Dunno if that was it or not, but the VTEC in my Accord
    handles hills fine.
    Dee, Mar 25, 2005
  7. mmdir2002

    Sean Dinh Guest

    On a flat road, get the car rolling. Then push accelerator
    all the way down and keep it there. Notice the rpm when the
    transmission up shift. If it's not any where near red line,
    the transmission cable need adjustment.
    Sean Dinh, Mar 28, 2005
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