Tranny question

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by DaveT, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. DaveT

    DaveT Guest

    Hey guys,

    I was just wondering what could be the cause or causes of rough
    transmissions? I got a '92 Accord standard trans. with ~132K. Only problem
    is that it's kinda rough to get it into first gear. I try shifting into
    second, then first but engages like half way in. This doesn't occur always,
    but at a stand-still like when I'm at a light. Sometimes no problems,
    sometimes by doing second than first it works, sometimes nothing works at
    all and I feel scared that I'm going to break something by the force I use
    to shove it into first. Any comments?


    P.S. I just got the trans. fluid changed also.
    DaveT, Aug 3, 2004
  2. DaveT

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Sounds like your clutch is dragging. Can be caused by low fluid / air in
    the clutch reservoir (if you have one), incorrect adjustment, broken
    clutch (springs / levers) badly warped disk, pilot bearing siezing up.

    Does it work perfectly if the engine isn't running?

    motsco_ _, Aug 4, 2004
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