Transmission Control Unit symptons??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by frankg, Oct 22, 2003.

  1. frankg

    frankg Guest

    I think I'm hearing a sound related to the transmission (1991 Honda
    Accord automatic transmission) because I saw the "S" indicator go on
    and off (more than once) but it doesn't happen very often (perhaps
    days or weeks between episodes) and I don't notice any slippage in
    the automatic transmission's shifting. I checked the fluid and it
    looks like new and full and see no leakage underneath. The best way I
    can describe the sound is that it sounds like the car is in a higher
    gear because of the louder sound but it's in the proper gear. I had a
    local shop look at the car and they couldn't find anything (including
    a road test) and said they barely could hear the noise I'm hearing.
    I've had the car since new so I know it's behavior/sounds well and
    know I'm not imagining it. Just wish it was more obvious to others so
    it would be easier to diagnose. Other than sound, the car drives

    Could this have anything to do with a bad " Transmission Control
    Unit " . What symptoms will a faulty " Transmission Control Unit "
    in a 1991 Honda Accord give? Will it cause any unusual type sounds
    as well?
    frankg, Oct 22, 2003
  2. frankg

    Chip Stein Guest

    Could this have anything to do with a bad " Transmission Control

    when the TCU goes you'll know it. it will stick in third gear and
    have veryy little power. you can still manually shift it though.
    Chip Stein, Oct 23, 2003
  3. frankg

    Chip Stein Guest

    Could this have anything to do with a bad " Transmission Control

    when the TCU goes you'll know it. it will stick in third gear and
    have veryy little power. you can still manually shift it though.
    Chip Stein, Oct 23, 2003
  4. frankg

    taino787 Guest

    on common symptom you can find by looking at the gauges. on the trnamission display where you se P R N D4 D3 2 1. D4 is alway light up. if you go on reverse or any other gear D4 wil be light up and the other gera you are really on will be also. If you disconnect the battery for a few minutes and when you reconect it the problems is gone...its 90% probable a faulty TCU
    taino787, Jan 25, 2004
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