Transmission Fluid Change 92 Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Face, Mar 8, 2010.

  1. Face

    Clete Guest

    For christ sake take it to a garage. Let them get the plug off.
    Clete, Mar 15, 2010
  2. Face

    Face Guest

    Automatic transmission drain bolt not an axle nut.
    Face, Mar 15, 2010
  3. Face

    M.A. Stewart Guest

    Did you ever consider this as a possible solution to the tedium of a
    Dremel on an axle nut?

    Here in the eastern rust belt, large trucks don't carry spare tires.
    When they get a flat, they call in a 'mobile truck tire repair' service.
    You wouldn't believe how the large lug-nuts on trucks rust seize on.
    The mobile tire guys are fully equipped with huge 3/4" or 1" drive
    impact wrenches to zip the large nuts off. A person who has super
    stubborn axle nuts (or an impossible Honda crank pulley bolt) might
    want to think about calling up the local truck tire guy to come over in
    his fully equipped truck to zip the axle nuts off. If time isn't critical,
    a deal might be made with them, such as, "are any of your guys passing
    by this way to fix some tires on a big rig?" I don't know if they have
    metric sockets, but usually a large non-metric size (over 7/8") socket,
    carefully selected for fit (small slop), on large metric fasteners will work.
    M.A. Stewart, Mar 16, 2010
  4. Face

    jim beam Guest

    afaik, 32mm is not a typical truck size, otherwise this would be a great
    suggestion. you could also buy your own impact socket and have them use

    in the past, i've popped over to the local honda dealer, and while
    over-paying for some engine oil or some such, they've air-tooled such
    things off. in this instance though, i already had the vehicle in some
    state of disassembly, and really didn't want to put it all back
    together. dremel was indeed tedious, but it worked.
    jim beam, Mar 16, 2010
  5. Face

    M.A. Stewart Guest

    I just checked... a 1 1/4'' socket fits a 31.64mm (measured across the flats
    with a vernier caliper) nut perfectly... I assuming it's a 32mm nut...
    it's a Honda axle nut from the late 1980's.

    Shit happens. Been there.
    M.A. Stewart, Mar 17, 2010
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