Transmission service on 2000 Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by bob, Dec 20, 2005.

  1. bob

    bob Guest

    2000 Accord, EX, V6, 49,000miles........

    To service the automatic transmission (drain and refill fluid and
    filter(?) ), is it best to drop the transmission pan, or just remove
    drain plugs?

    Is there a filter that should be changed that can be accessed by
    dropping the pan?

    Finally, is Honda brand AT fluid really necessary? If so where might
    I get some at less than dealership MSRP prices?

    Thanks for any input!!!

    bob, Dec 20, 2005
  2. -----------------------------

    You have to use honda Z1. Warm it up, use a 3/8' socket HANDLE to remove
    the plug. drain it ten minutes, wipe off magnet and replace crush
    washer. Drive it a week and repeat the process. the tranny should be
    warmed up to guarantee that the crud is in solution. You'll use up to 4
    litres each time, if you're thorough. There is no 'pan'. Filter cannot
    be accessed, and don't 'power flush' a Honda.

    Use other brands if you don't plan on keeping the car / hate the person
    you're selling it to.

    'Curly Q. Links', Dec 20, 2005
  3. bob

    butch burton Guest

    Just to expand a bit on what Curly sez about "power flushes". These
    flushes use a solvent that supposedly cleans out your tranny - well how
    do they get all of the flush fluid out of your tranny - answer they
    don't. If you want to overhaul your honda tranny sooner rather than
    later, have it power flushed and use some aftermarket ATF - hey the
    synthetic stuff may even get you that rebuilt tranny sooner than the
    cheap stuff.

    Listen to Curly
    butch burton, Dec 20, 2005
  4. bob

    bob Guest

    Thanks for the reply Curly....

    My experience with trannys has to date been mostly with full size
    trucks......hence my question about the filter in the pan.

    With external tranny coolers (trucks) I just opened the circulation
    line and drained about 2 qts with engine running, then added two
    qts.........repeating till fluid looked pink and nice. More of a
    transfusion really. But with Dexron III the cost per qt is much much
    less than Honda's proprietary ATF.


    bob, Dec 20, 2005
  5. bob

    Eye Indo Guest

    If one changes the ATF every year, does it really accumulate that much
    "crud" ?
    We do about 15K to 25K a year, mostly long distance, at moderate speeds.
    ATF does not smell foul yet and still looks "not burned".
    Also, each time I have removed the plug, there was surprising VERY little
    "crud" on it.
    Have a 97 Accord, with 187K miles.
    Eye Indo, Dec 21, 2005
  6. I can validate that--at least with Toyota trannies. One presumes Honda
    trannies behave similarly.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Dec 21, 2005
  7. bob

    SoCalMike Guest

    i dont think there is a pan. if there is, thatd be the way to go.
    AFAIK, no.
    yes! or at least specifically honda compatible.
    SoCalMike, Dec 21, 2005
  8. bob

    SoCalMike Guest

    nope. in fact, youre probably in the 5% that actually does maintenance
    like that.
    not towing, doing "neutral drops" or peeling out is a plus, too.
    some toyotas recommend NO tranny fluid replacement. ever.
    SoCalMike, Dec 21, 2005
  9. bob

    JackRazz Guest

    This thread has been helpful for me - thanks all. A couple of questions.

    1. I have a 2002 Honda Accord's 4 cyl with 47k miles. The owner's
    manual says change fluid at 100k miles. I planned on changing it at
    50k. I just checked the fluid and its a bit brownish. Why would this
    be. More importantly, why would Honda recommend 100k change.

    2. Does anyone know of any internet part stores where one might pay
    less than the $7.50 per quart for the Honda ATF my dealership wants.

    Thanks - Jack
    JackRazz, Dec 21, 2005
  10. Does your manual specify a time-based interval in addition to the mileage
    interval? If so, I bet it's less than 4 years.
    High Tech Misfit, Dec 21, 2005
  11. bob

    Eye Indo Guest

    If you figure the cost of engine oil/filter (yellow indicator intervals)
    ATF/air filter/brake fluid (yearly), the cost per mile is not that much. It
    just easier for me to do things like this yearly rather than the recommended
    time intervals. How would I remember a four year interval?
    Eye Indo, Dec 21, 2005
  12. ------------------------

    Congrats . . . It's nice to hear somebody who likes to err on the side
    of better maintenance. I was talking about 'soluble' stuff, like the
    non-metalic friction matter that won't stick to the magnet. First change
    of the ATF is when you really get the clump on the magnet. After that
    it's just a coat of black 'fuzz'.

    I always try to hold the magnet part-ways out while draining, otherwise
    the ATF pisses almost on the passenger's tire.

    'Curly Q. Links', Dec 21, 2005
  13. bob

    Eye Indo Guest

    LOL, been there, done that.
    You should see how many sweatshirts I have with an oily right sleeve .....
    Dang, did it again .... What were these Honda engineers thinking when they
    put the oil filter in the back of the engine .....
    Our newspaper always comes to our yard in this long skinny plastic bag.
    Guess what, just right to make into a long skinny "glove".
    Works great for changing oil, etc.
    I have a bunch of them in the trunk to use when I take the winter chains
    You do not need this "glove", when you put them on .....
    Actually, this idea came from the Missus !!!!

    "'Curly Q. Links'"
    Eye Indo, Dec 21, 2005
  14. bob

    bob Guest

    I found Honda Z1 ATF at Richardson Honda in Texas for $4.50/qt. Also
    on ebay I saw some from a"decent" looking seller for about $5.75/qt.

    Honda ATF may be brown in color, I am not sure. Dexron III is
    red/pink, but this does not go in Hondas.

    Bob--------who is looking forward to sliding under his wife's accord
    over the holidays to change fluids.
    bob, Dec 21, 2005
  15. bob

    butch burton Guest

    I change my 97 accord atf at 30K intervals - was following the owners
    manual - but got a tranny code light at 70K - fluid was burnt - did the
    multiple change routine - change the atf while hot - drive 150 or so
    miles - change again. Changing disconnecting the tranny cooler line
    would be the way to do it - but changing every 30K seems to work for
    me. Got 190K plus on it and still shifts fine. Got a deal from local
    honda dealer - bought 12 quarts of their atf for something over
    $4/quart. He treated it as a commercial sale.
    butch burton, Dec 22, 2005
  16. bob

    JackRazz Guest

    My Owners manual for a 2002 Honda AT indicates replacing 120,000 miles
    or 6 years, then every 90,000 miles or 5 years.

    This appear significantly longer than brown fluid would indicate.
    However Bob indicated in a later message that ATF may be brown, but he
    wasn't sure.

    Anyone know if its normal for fluid to be brown after 47k miles? I'm
    planning on changing, but I just want to know!
    JackRazz, Dec 22, 2005
  17. bob

    JackRazz Guest

    Bob, thanks for the info on your local prices. Called some different
    dealerships locally and some are quoting $4.50. I'll check them out.

    Thanks for the info on the brown color also. Can anyone confirm than
    some Honda ATFs were normal with brown color (2002 Accord).

    Thanks - Jack
    JackRazz, Dec 22, 2005
  18. bob

    E Meyer Guest

    All the Honda ATF I've ever seen is honey gold in color. If its brown,
    change it.
    E Meyer, Dec 22, 2005
  19. bob

    Nick Guest

    Maybe the MTF but the ATF should be a pinkish cherry red color. I've seen on the
    Hyundais that the color changes to brown quicker than on the Hondas but from all
    postings in the Hyundai group, it is normal for it to change to brown before the
    30k interval change.
    I've always changed my Hondas at the 30k intervals and the color is
    usually that cherry red color even after I'm draining the old fluid. If it's
    brown, then you might need to change it twice or even three time to get enough
    of the fluid changed.

    Nick, Dec 22, 2005
  20. bob

    E Meyer Guest

    You're right. I just went out and checked a bottle of it I have in the
    garage. Honda ATF is pink. Sorry about the brain fart.

    Same advice though - if OP is seeing brown he should change it.
    E Meyer, Dec 23, 2005
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