trouble starting - 89 accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by privett, Oct 6, 2005.

  1. privett

    privett Guest

    I have a 89 accord, 190,000 miles and has been a great car, however, it has
    begun to be tempermental when it comes to starting. Today it started just
    fine, but after it was shut off for about 20 minutes and i tried to
    restart it would turn over and immediately quit. I thought it may be a
    vacuum problem but did not see any loose hoses. Any suggestions?
    privett, Oct 6, 2005
  2. When you say "it would turn over and immediately quit", do you mean that it
    fires up and actually runs for an instant before quitting? Or does it keep
    turning but will not fire up?

    If it's the former, I am guessing it's the ignition switch or the igniter.

    If it's the latter, and this would apply if your car is fuel-injected and
    especially if the weather is warm, the culprit would be the main relay.
    High Tech Misfit, Oct 6, 2005
  3. privett

    privett Guest

    It starts (fires) and then immediately quits. It is fuel injected though.
    What does the ignition switch or a main relay usually run?
    privett, Oct 6, 2005
  4. privett

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Main Relay is first culprit.
    TeGGeR®, Oct 6, 2005

  5. ---------------------------

    If it starts to run but dies the second you let your hand off the key,
    it's the ignition switch. Bad main relay won't usually manifest except
    when the car is already not running. . . the vibration of the engine is
    usually enough to keep it sparking along. That's why smacking the dash
    in position II (or chilling down the interior) will often start an
    otherwise 'unstartable' Honda. The relay connects for a second, primes
    the fuel rail, then the car starts and runs because of the vibration. Go
    into 7-Eleven for five minutes and it will not start again :-(

    'Curly Q. Links', Oct 7, 2005
  6. privett

    mmdir2005 Guest

    I've similar problem. My 89 civic with 200,000 miles. Today I have had
    to wait
    3 hr to start the car. The car starting problem is getting worst these
    It refuses to start in first try in the morning. I have had to try 3 or
    4 take around more than
    a minute to start the car. That's normal these days. Today after
    driving 30 min and
    shut the engine off, tried again it refused to start. I replaced main
    relay but no luck.
    I banged the starter and starter solonoid, no luck. My option was wait
    to cool down.
    Around 2 hr, I decided that ok this is it it will not start forever. I
    decided to tow it. Talking
    to the towing driver, he asked me for $95 for it. I had no money for
    that I gave up towing... I just have to wait another hour. Yeah it did
    start when the sun went down
    when the car temp gauge down almost to bottom.

    Why it does not start in the morning when the car is cool?
    Why it does not start when the car is hot with the temperaure hot
    Are these caused by same problem?
    Main Relay? Probably not because I replaced main relay.
    mmdir2005, Oct 7, 2005
  7. privett

    mmdir2005 Guest

    Are you saying impact on the main relay could start the problem?

    I don't get it by smacking dash board with key on Position II would
    start the car.

    Please explain to me clearly. I need to understand.
    mmdir2005, Oct 7, 2005
  8. privett

    TeGGeR® Guest

    It's usually the main relay with that symptom, actually. In fact, that's
    *the* most common main relay symptom.
    TeGGeR®, Oct 7, 2005
  9. privett

    TeGGeR® Guest

    wrote in

    You force momentary contact between two pieces of cracked solder.

    You never looked at this page, did you?
    TeGGeR®, Oct 7, 2005
  10. It doesn't crank? Something to do with the clutch or console switch?
    Burt Squareman, Oct 11, 2005
  11. privett

    mmdir2005 Guest

    1959 Ford pick-up truck?
    mmdir2005, Oct 12, 2005
  12. privett

    Herb Guest

    I have the cold starting problem in my 89 Accord . Any idea as to the
    cost of replacing the relay and igniter? I read that might be the
    problem. Thanks
    Herb, Oct 12, 2005
  13. privett

    TeGGeR® Guest

    (Herb) wrote in


    Blindly throwing parts at the car is harmful to your wallet.
    TeGGeR®, Oct 12, 2005
  14. Usually cold start problems doesn't deal with the
    igniter or main relay. Does it crank or does it just
    Burt Squareman, Oct 13, 2005
  15. privett

    Herb Guest

    Okay,here's what happens!

    After sitting all night,I press the accelerator peddle to the floor
    once.( the manual instructs this). I turn the key,and it kicks right
    over,then sputters and dies.
    Again I press the peddle to the floor. (manual instructions again).

    It then cranks,sometimes for 10 to 15 seconds (doesn't start). I shut
    down and wait maybe 10 seconds,and turn the key again. Sometimes after
    cranking,it will fire right up. Sometimes The battery will start to
    After that just give up and drive another vehicle. I also re-charge
    the battery for the next fiasco.

    Herb, Oct 13, 2005
  16. Presuming that the car is a DX, LX and not an LXi?

    Either your fuel filter and/or carburetor is clogged. You can check
    this by removing the air filter and look at the bowel fuel level thru the
    eyeglass if it has one. If there is fuel inside the bowel then check
    to make sure there is fuel dribbling into the carb after it starts and
    idles by peeping inside the carb.

    The problem could be that you've used up all the fuel during
    starting. The solution, if this is the case is a carb overhaul and
    replace two fuel filters.
    Burt Squareman, Oct 14, 2005
  17. privett

    TeGGeR® Guest

    (Herb) wrote in


    Do you have fuel injection or a carburetor?
    TeGGeR®, Oct 14, 2005
  18. privett

    Herb Guest

    Herb, Oct 14, 2005
  19. privett

    TeGGeR® Guest

    (Herb) wrote in

    What happens if you press and release the gas pedal two or three times in a
    row, hold it half-way, then try to start it?
    TeGGeR®, Oct 15, 2005
  20. privett

    Misterbeets Guest

    If this only happens when cold, you need to give it more gas, both
    before cranking and after it starts to fire. Every pedal pump squirts a
    shot of gas into the carb. Do this until the car runs on its own. If
    this makes no difference, your accelerator pump, in the carb, has a
    torn diaphragm.

    Don't do this to a warm engine though, or you'll flood it and then
    you'll have to wait several minutes to restart.
    Misterbeets, Oct 15, 2005
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