Trouble Starting 92 Prelude on cold mornings

Discussion in 'Prelude' started by Ryan Radford, Nov 1, 2003.

  1. Ryan Radford

    Ryan Radford Guest

    I have a 1992 Honda Prelude SR with about 193,000km on it. It has a heck of
    a time starting on cold mornings (I'm in Vancouver, Canada and it's starting
    to get pretty cool out here, so my troubles are just starting). It will
    turn over fine over and over and over again, but it will not actually start.
    It will sound as if the engine is going to engage, but it can never quite
    "hold it" and actually get it started. I know it's not great to do for a
    fuel-injected car, but the only way it will start is to actually give it
    some gas while it's turning over. After about 1-2 minutes of playing, I can
    usually get it started. Once it has been started once it's fine for the
    rest of the day. It'll fire up no problem. In warmer weather I've never
    had any problems with it. In the last year I've had the following done:

    - New Upper Radiator Hose, Thermostat, Thermostat Gasket, Rad cap + rad
    flush and cooling system sealer

    - New Fuel Filter

    - Tune up from Honda Dealer: 4x "Spark Plug NGK", Rotor Head Assembly, Cap

    - New Battery (within 2 months).

    After I had the Tune up from Honda, it seemed to be starting better, but I
    think the weather was getting warmer too (may have just been a coincidence).
    Now that we're back to having cold weather (around freezing level) and I'm
    having the same problems I seem to think that may have been the case.

    I had some people suggest a new TW Sensor (???) (is this a computer
    temperature sensor, which incidentally someone else suggested?), a fuel
    pump, and a few other things I can't remember.

    Any ideas or tips to look for?

    Also, if it's relevant, when the car is actually running, it runs great. No
    apparant loss of power while driving or anything.



    Ryan Radford, Nov 1, 2003
  2. Ryan Radford

    Mikey Guest

    You might have a "lazy" fuel pump. When you click on the start position and
    the lights on the dash light up, hold it there. You should hear the fuel
    pump, hum or whine. If it doesn't you either need to replace your main relay
    or your fuel pump is becoming intermittent. I am leaning more to the fuel
    pump since the weather is cool. Good luck.
    Mikey, Nov 4, 2003
  3. Ryan Radford

    acolver Guest

    Do you plug your car in at night? I'm from Alaska and most cars come with a
    block heater that prove to be invaluable during the winter months.
    especially if your car is outside. A cold engine block will have a hell of a
    time turning over if she's cold and frozen. Also a cold engine start can
    easily put much un-needed stress on your engine.
    acolver, Nov 4, 2003
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