turn signal sound

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bob Daun, Aug 23, 2009.

  1. Bob Daun

    Dillon Pyron Guest

    The one about two objects and the same space? :)

    As and added example of the "flick" requirement is the situation where
    you have more than two lanes on your side of the road. For instance,
    let's say you are driving a 2008 Fit Sport in the outside lane and
    want to move to the middle lane. A quick flick confirms that there's
    an Escalade that's decided to move into that lane from the inside. Now
    Texas law requires the car behind to yield (since the bitch should
    have seen my signals), but I, erh the driver in this example, choose
    discretion over getting squashed.

    - dillon I am not invalid

    "Iran wants nukes? North Korea wants nukes?
    I'm sure we can give them some. Or the Navy."

    - former B52 wing commander
    Dillon Pyron, Sep 6, 2009
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