Type of fuel...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Pravin Nair, Oct 27, 2003.

  1. Pravin Nair

    Pravin Nair Guest

    Hi There,

    I have heard that the brand of fuel you use will decide the mielage
    you get out of your car.

    Is this true??

    A friend mentioned that he got the best mielage aout of Texaco gas.
    Has anyone else experineced this?.

    Thank You.

    Pravin Nair.
    Pravin Nair, Oct 27, 2003
  2. Pravin Nair

    QDurham Guest

    Pravin wrote in part:>
    I got my first driver's license in 1945. I have never EVER noticed any
    difference between brands. Octanes? Yes. Brands? No.

    QDurham, Oct 27, 2003
  3. Pravin Nair

    Ted Guest

    I have.... I don't think I get quite the millage out of Costco gas... Maybe
    that is why it is so cheap. Also I think it foams more than other gas so
    when the pump clicks the tank really isn't all the way full.
    Ted, Oct 27, 2003
  4. Pravin Nair

    Duran Guest

    Hi There,
    Very interesting that you asked this.

    Just recently, I drove my '03 Accord to SW Ontario Canada from the southern
    USA. I was consistently getting slightly over 38 MPG (99% highway with
    cruise control being used 95% of the time). I filled up just before I left
    Canada and my MPG rating fell significantly - to the high 20's roughly -
    which to this day is one of the worst mileage ratings I have had in the car
    even when a lot of city driving is thrown in. The next time I filled up I
    was back to the usual 38 MPG.

    I used many different brands of gas from many different states both on the
    way up to Canada and on the way back from Canada. The entire time that I
    spent on the highway (excluding the one fill-up in Canada) I received almost
    identical MPG ratings of 38.xx. So, I was getting very consistent gas
    mileage when I filed up in the US.

    I could have got a bad tank of gas, but the gas station I used is a
    well-known brand in that part of Canada (Petro-canada) and I - and my
    family - have been using this same gas station for years without problems (I
    used to live there).

    I checked my calculations and verified my miles over and over (and over)
    again. It is all correct. I have had other people verify them for me and
    it is all correct. This one still has me stumped.
    Duran, Oct 28, 2003
  5. Pravin Nair

    NetSock Guest

    I have never heard about different brands, but different methanol content
    and octane could make an effect.
    NetSock, Oct 28, 2003
  6. Pravin Nair

    Milleron Guest

    What kind of tranny do you have?
    I had something sort of like that happen last summer. My 03 Accord is
    an automatic, and I pulled out of a rest area or gas stop in "D3"
    instead of "D." I never noticed the tach and at highway speeds, I
    guess I couldn't notice the pitch of the engine's sound. I happened
    to check the trip computer, though, and saw the mileage recorded there
    dropping dramatically. I don't suppose you could have burned a tank
    of guess without having overdrive engaged, could you?
    Milleron, Oct 29, 2003
  7. Pravin Nair

    Ted Guest

    Gas attendant probally put water in the tanks...

    Happens quite a bit.
    Ted, Oct 29, 2003
  8. Pravin Nair

    Frink Guest

    Here in Canada, I've stopped using Petro Canada for 2 reasons.
    My 90 Accord pings with their regular 87 octane gas, when I use Esso or
    Sunoco regular 87 it runs fine... no detonation.
    Also, Petro is ALLWAYS the first one to jack up their prices 8 or 10 cents
    per litre, sometimes they do this and when no one else follows, they'll
    bring the price back down again... all within the space of a few hours.
    Frink, Oct 30, 2003
  9. Pravin Nair

    D. Roeven Guest

    Have the same problem. I get 100 km more on shell, than on texaco.
    D. Roeven, Nov 2, 2003
  10. Costco gas is sourced just like any of the others. All of these companies
    trade gas so going to Texaco may get you the same gas as Mobil.
    Oliver Costich, Nov 3, 2003
  11. Pravin Nair

    CMM Guest

    BS... buying gas from different gas stations does not make any
    Because they don't "make" the gasoline, but buy it from their
    supplier. Which might be the same for multiple gas companies (Shell,
    Amoco,etc...)and also on gas company might have multiple suppliers.
    CMM, Nov 4, 2003
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